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Abdel-Barr, Khaled S.; Lawson Lundell LLPAbitan, Sandra; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPAbols, Gesta A.; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPAccursi, Chad; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPAckerley, Glenn W.; WeirFoulds LLPAdair, John; Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPAgarwal, Rahool; Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPAhmad, Imran; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPAhmed, Firoz; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPAiken, Carrie; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPAitken, Melanie L.; Bennett Jones LLPAkkawi, Michael F.E.; Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C.Albrecht, Dalton J.; EY Law LLPAllard, David A.; Lawson Lundell LLPAlvarez, Henri C., KC; Alvarez ArbitrationAmato, David M.A.; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPAmouzgar, Arash; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPAmyot, Bernard, AdE; LCM Attorneys Inc.Anderson, D. Brett; McCarthy Tétrault LLPAndison, Tim; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPAntonopoulos, George; Dentons Canada LLPArcher, Jennifer A.; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Archer, Marcus W.; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPArmstrong, Chris; Goodmans LLPArmstrong, Chris R.; McLean & Armstrong LLP Armstrong, Sarah; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPAstolfo, Sandra; WeirFoulds LLPAtkinson, Aaron; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPAu, Alethea; Stikeman Elliott LLPAziz, Andrew W.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBabin, Edward J.; Babin Bessner Spry LLPBabos-Marchand, Hugo; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBach, Daniel; Siskinds LLPBachynski, Jared; Stikeman Elliott LLPBaert, Kirk M.; Koskie Minsky LLPBain, Mark W.S.; Torys LLPBaines, Simon C.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBaird, Gordon D.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBalasubramanian, Amanda C.; Torys LLPBandali, Sabrina A.; Bennett Jones LLPBanfai, Geza R.; McMillan LLPBanicevic, Anita; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBaril, André L.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBarrack, Michael E.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBarry, Patrick G.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBarton, Sandra L.; Gowling WLGBasra, Sarbjit S.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBass, Neil E.; Aird & Berlis LLPBatner, Sarit E.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBayne, Chad; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBedard, Benjamin P.; Conlin Bedard LLPBélanger, Carl; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPBelley, Dominic C.; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPBellissimo, Eva; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBelovich, Donald G.; Stikeman Elliott LLPBelsher, Cameron, KC; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBelsher, Geoffrey S.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBenchetrit, George; Chaitons LLPBennett, Chris; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBennett, Mark T.; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPBennett, Michael J.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBentley, Ross; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBereskin, Daniel R., KC; Smart & BiggarBergeron, Catherine; ROBICBerman, Guy; Torys LLPBerman, Wendy; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBernier, Chantal; Dentons Canada LLPBernstein, Andrew E.; Torys LLPBeswick, Byron S.; KPMG Law LLPBieber, Simon; Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPBienvenu, Pierre, AdE; IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLPBiernacki, Mark; Smart & BiggarBigenwald, Antoine; Casavant BédardBinder, Joel E.; Stikeman Elliott LLPBinnie, Ian, CC, KC; Lenczner SlaghtBinnie, Ian J.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBird, Kathryn; Ogletree Deakins International LLPBish, David; Torys LLPBishop, David C.; Gowling WLGBlock, Eric; Ross Nasseri LLPBlock, Randall W., KC; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Block, Sheila R.; Torys LLPBloom, Brian; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBobechko, Janet L.; WeirFoulds LLPBodrug, John D.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBogden, John-Paul; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBoislard, Michel; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPBolduc, Christian; Smart & BiggarBomhof, Scott A.; Torys LLPBook, Hilary; Book Erskine LLPBorgers, Oliver J.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBoscariol, John W.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBoucher, Patrick; McCarthy Tétrault LLPBourassa, Michael J.; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPBourassa, Philippe; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBowles, Brendan D.; Glaholt Bowles LLPBraithwaite, William J.; Stikeman Elliott LLPBrender, Mark D.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPBrock, William, AdE; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBrodkin, Andrew; Goodmans LLPBrush, Robert J.; Crawley MacKewn Brush LLPBuchner, William; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPBucholz, Ren; Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPBunting, James (Jim); Tyr LLPBurr, Christopher; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPBuswell, Alexandre W.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPButtigieg, Bryan J.; Miller Thomson LLPCameron, Alex; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPCameron, Gordon; Stikeman Elliott LLPCampbell, A. Neil; McMillan LLPCampion, Nadia; Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPCarelli, Robert; Stikeman Elliott LLPCarrière, Laurent; ROBICCastiel, Peter; Stikeman Elliott LLPCaulder, Isi E.; Smart & BiggarCertosimo, Matthew L.O., CS; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Chadwick, Robert J.; Goodmans LLPChaiton, Harvey G.; Chaitons LLPChamberland, Jean-Pierre; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPChambers, Gordon R.; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP
Cheng, May M.; Dipchand LLPChevrette, Charles; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPChiasson, Craig R.; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Chisick, Casey M.; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPChiu, Sarah S.; Felesky Flynn LLPChoi, Nancy; McCarthy Tétrault LLPChristopher, Chris; Torys LLPCiardullo, John J.; Stikeman Elliott LLPCicchetti, Tina; Vancouver Arbitration ChambersClancy, Paula; Gowling WLGClarizio, Dino P.; Markwell Clarizio LLPCochlin, Christopher; Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLPCockburn, Matthew; Torys LLPCohen, Tracey M., KC; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPCoiteux, Vanessa; Stikeman Elliott LLPColombo, Jonathan G.; Marks & Clerk CanadaConlin, Paul D.; Conlin Bedard LLPCooper, Rosalind H.; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPCorbett, Leland P.; Stikeman Elliott LLPCoulombe, Marc-André; Stikeman Elliott LLPCourage, Noel A.; Smart & BiggarCournoyer-Proulx, Magali; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPCouture, Monique M.; Gowling WLGCowper, Geoffrey, KC; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPCrawley, Alistair; Crawley MacKewn Brush LLPCrossley, Sarah C.; Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLPCseh, Chantelle; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPCundari, Laura; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPCurpen, Radha D.; McMillan LLPCurrie, John C.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPCurry, Tom; Lenczner SlaghtCusano, Luigi A. (Lou), KC; Torys LLPCusinato, Curtis; Bennett Jones LLPD'Avignon, Julie; Stikeman Elliott LLPDavis, Emrys C.; Bennett Jones LLPDavis, Mark Edward; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPde Guise, Pascal; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPDeane, Robert J.C.; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Dedic, Dan; Goodmans LLPDelean, Adam E.; Torys LLPDeMarco, Lisa (Elisabeth); Resilient LLPDennis, Craig P., KC; Dennis James Aitken LLPDenstedt, Shawn H.T., KC; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPDéry, Claudia; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPDeschamps, Michel; McCarthy Tétrault LLPDésilets, Olivier; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPDhaliwal, Mandeep; Lawson Lundell LLPDi Carlo, Carlo; Stockwoods LLPDi Domenico, Antonio; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPDi Paolo, David; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)DiGregorio, Heather; Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLPDingle, Gillian B.; Torys LLPDionne, Pascale; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Dipchand, Elizabeth S.; Dipchand LLPDlin, Adam M.; Stikeman Elliott LLPDorion, Marc, KC, AdE; McCarthy Tétrault LLPDoyle, Catherine; McMillan LLPDrymer, Stephen L.; Woods LLPDu Pont, Guy, AdE; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPDubé, Georges; McMillan LLPDuguid, Bryan, KC, FCIArb; Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLPEizenga, Michael A., LSM; Bennett Jones LLPEmanoilidis, John E.; Torys LLPEvans, Mark; Smart & BiggarFabello, John; Torys LLPFacey, Brian A.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPFairfax, Jennifer; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPFaith, Andrew; Polley Faith LLPFan, Emily Y.; Lerners LLPFarber, Tamara; Miller Thomson LLPFeder, Michael A., KC; McCarthy Tétrault LLPFeiner, Shlomi; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPFeldman, Jonathan A.; Goodmans LLPFerland, Denis; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPFerris, Craig A.B., KC, FCIArb; Lawson Lundell LLPFillion, Stéphane; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPFinch, Simon A.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPFipke, Johanna; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPFischer, Allyson M.; Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLPFletcher, R. Mark; Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLPFong, Barry; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPFontaine, Jean; Stikeman Elliott LLPForbes, Sandra A.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPForeman, Jonathan; Foreman & CompanyFortier, L. Yves, KC, CC; Cabinet Yves FortierFougere, Kevin; Torys LLPFraiberg, Jeremy D.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPFransen, Aaron; Stikeman Elliott LLPFraser, David T.S.; McInnes CooperFraser, Jill P.; Aird & Berlis LLPFric, Laura K.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPFuerst, Linda L.; Crawley MacKewn Brush LLPFurlan, Stephen; McCarthy Tétrault LLPGagnon, Nicolas; Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P.Gale, William R.; Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLPGamble, Ian J.; Thorsteinssons LLPGans, Michael; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPGhikas, Gerald W.J., KC; Vancouver Arbitration ChambersGilbert, Sarah E.; Bennett Jones LLPGiroux, François M.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPGlaholt, Duncan W.; Glaholt ADR Inc.Glass, Jeff; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPGoguen, Siobhan A.M., KC; Felesky Flynn LLPGoldblatt, Jordan; Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPGoldman, Alyson F.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPGoldman, Jay; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPGoldman, Jesse I.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPGoldsilver, Erik; Gowling WLGGoodman, Jeffrey E.; Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLPGosselin, Éric; McCarthy Tétrault LLPGottlieb, Matthew P.; Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPGratton, Éloïse; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPGraves, Brian; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPGrbesic, Ivan; Stikeman Elliott LLPGrégoire, Simon, FCIArb; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Grewal, Ramandeep; Stikeman Elliott LLPGrieve, Sander; Bennett Jones LLPGriffin, Peter, KC; Lenczner SlaghtGriffiths, Leonard J.; Bennett Jones LLP
Groleau, Jean-Philippe; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPGross, Wendy J.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPGuay, François; Smart & BiggarGudofsky, Jason L.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPGuindi, Shahir; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPGunasekera, David; DuMoulin Black LLPHall, Geoff R.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPHalperin, Stephen H.; Goodmans LLPHalwani, Sana; Lenczner SlaghtHansell, Carol; Hansell LLPHarrison, Douglas, FCIArb; Harrison ADR Professional CorporationHarrison, Martha; McCarthy Tétrault LLPHazan, Neil Ezra; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Hershenfield, Jeffrey M.; Stikeman Elliott LLPHewat, Christopher A.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPHiga, Richard T.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPHill, Krista F.; Torys LLPHopkins, Jeff C.; Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLPHorn, Samantha G.; Stikeman Elliott LLPHorn, Sidney M.; Stikeman Elliott LLPHuff, Pamela L.J.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPHughes, Randal T.; Bennett Jones LLPHunter, Claire, KC; Hunter Litigation ChambersHunter, Lawson A.W., KC; Stikeman Elliott LLPHussey, Dominique T.; Bennett Jones LLPHutchison, Alan J.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPHynes, Jason; Smart & BiggarIatrou, Nikiforos; McCarthy Tétrault LLPIgnasiak, Martin, KC; Bennett Jones LLPIng, Christine; McCarthy Tétrault LLPInnes, Michael D.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPJackson, Lara; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPJensen, Carsten, KC, FCIArb; Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLPJilesen, Monique; Lenczner SlaghtJohnson, Glen R.; Torys LLPJohnson, Gregory M.; Bennett Jones LLPJoneja, Navin; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPJuneja, Raj; McCarthy Tétrault LLPKanargelidis, Greg; Kanargelidis Global Trade & Customs LawKandev, Michael N.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPKarantzoulis, Gus; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Kardash, Adam G.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPKatz, Neil; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPKatz, Warren M.; Stikeman Elliott LLPKay, Katherine L.; Stikeman Elliott LLPKazaz, Charles; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPKeilty, Kathleen P.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPKeizer, Charles; Torys LLPKellerman, Jay C.; Stikeman Elliott LLPKelly, Stephen J.; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPKelsall, Brian C.; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPKenigsberg, Alan; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPKent, Christopher; Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLPKent, David W.; McMillan LLPKilby, Michael; Stikeman Elliott LLPKilloran, Maureen E., KC; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPKolenda, Brian; Lenczner SlaghtKolers, Eliot N.; Stikeman Elliott LLPKraag, Scott; Torys LLPKrane, Joshua; MLT Aikins LLPKraus, Brent W.; Bennett Jones LLPKraus, Dean; Stikeman Elliott LLPKravitz, Neil; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPKreklewetz, Robert G.; Millar Kreklewetz LLPKroft, Edwin G., KC; Bennett Jones LLPKronby, Matthew; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPKrupat, Howard; DLA Piper (Canada) LLPKuzz, Erin R.; Sherrard Kuzz LLPKwinter, Robert E.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPKyte, Kevin; Stikeman Elliott LLPLachance, Christian; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPLaflamme, Mathieu; McCarthy Tétrault LLPLally, Michelle; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPLalonde, Paul M.; Dentons Canada LLPLamonde, Sophie; Stikeman Elliott LLPLanouette, Andrew; Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLPLapedus, Justin A.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPLapierre, Jean Michel; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPLapierre, Stéphanie; Stikeman Elliott LLPLapin, Philip; Smart & BiggarLastman, Dale H., CM, OOnt; Goodmans LLPLe, Kim; Stikeman Elliott LLPLe Vay, Paul H.; Stockwoods LLPLeclerc, Philippe; McCarthy Tétrault LLPLederman, Eli S.; Lenczner SlaghtLeduc, Pierre-Yves; Stikeman Elliott LLPLee, Andrea; Glaholt Bowles LLPLee, Desmond; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPLemieux, David; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPLeopold, John W.; Stikeman Elliott LLPLevy, Eric M.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPLevy, Serge; Stikeman Elliott LLPLifshitz, Lisa R.; Torkin Manes LLPLindsay, Matthew; Rose LLPLipkus, Nathaniel; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPLisus, Jonathan C.; Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPLiteplo, Jonathan; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Lloyd, Jeffrey R.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPLogan, John S., KC; Jenkins Marzban Logan LLPLorito, John G.; Stikeman Elliott LLPLovrics, Catherine; Marks & Clerk CanadaLublin, Daniel A.; Whitten & Lublin PCLue, Henry; Wilson Lue LLPMacDonald, Martha; Torys LLPMacek, Alan; DLA Piper (Canada) LLPMack, Perry R., KC; Peacock Linder Halt & Mack LLPMacKewn, Melissa J.; Crawley MacKewn Brush LLPMacParland, Natasha; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPMaguire, Patrick T.; Bennett Jones LLPMahood, Robin; McCarthy Tétrault LLPMant, Iain; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPMantello, Lisa; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPMariage, Frank; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPMarkwell, Jason C.; Markwell Clarizio LLPMarley, Patrick W.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPMartel, Guy P.; Stikeman Elliott LLPMartin, Karen, KC; Dentons Canada LLPMartineau, Yves; Stikeman Elliott LLPMassé, David; Stikeman Elliott LLP Matheson, Michael D.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Mathieu, Frank; Stikeman Elliott LLPMay, Neill I.; Goodmans LLPMayr, Clemens; McCarthy Tétrault LLPMcAree, Marc; Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLPMcArthur, Joseph C.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPMcElheran, Mark E.; Stikeman Elliott LLPMcEwan, J. Kenneth, KC; McEwan PartnersMcGrath, Shevaun; McCarthy Tétrault LLPMcKee, Gordon; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPMckenzie, David T.; Jenkins Marzban Logan LLPMcKoen, Steven R., KC; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPMeghji, Al; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPMelchers, Sophie; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPMercier, Vincent A.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPMihailovich, Pooja; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPMilelli, Sven O.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPMillar, W. Jack; Millar Kreklewetz LLPMilne-Smith, Matthew; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPMitchell, Craig; Stikeman Elliott LLPMitchell, Douglas C.; IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLPMoch, Darcy D., KC; Bennett Jones LLPMogerman, Reidar, KC; Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLPMohamed, Munaf, KC; Bennett Jones LLPMongeau, Éric; Stikeman Elliott LLPMontagne, Hadrien; McCarthy Tétrault LLPMoore, J. Alexander; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPMorin, Patrice; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Morrison, Brendan F.; Lenczner SlaghtMorrison, Patricia L., KC; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Mullins, Natalie; Gowling WLGMusgrove, James B.; McMillan LLPNasseri, Justin; Ross Nasseri LLPNathanson, Irwin G., KC; Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLPNaud, Anne-Marie; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPNawata, Denise; FARRISNaymark, Daniel; Naymark LawNewby, Bradley A.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPNigro, Mario; Stikeman Elliott LLPNijhawan, Anu; Bennett Jones LLPNikolakakis, Angelo; EY Law LLPNitikman, Joel A.; Dentons Canada LLPNixon, Christopher W.; Stikeman Elliott LLPNordick, D'Arcy; Stikeman Elliott LLPO'Doherty, Richard; McCarthy Tétrault LLPO'Hara, Jonathan; McMillan LLPO'Neill, Brendan; Goodmans LLPO'Neill, Louis-Martin; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPOlasker, Patricia L.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPOleniuk, Terri-Lee; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPOpolsky, Jeremy; Torys LLPOsborne, W. Michael G.; Cozen O'ConnorPaliare, Chris G., OO, LSM; Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPPallone, Candace M.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPPalm, W. Ian; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPParappally, Justin; Stikeman Elliott LLPParker, Andrew C.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPPearson, Darrel H.; Bennett Jones LLPPeerless, Michael J.; McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLPPelland, Aniko; Stikeman Elliott LLPPennycook, Carol D.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPPerreault, Jocelyn; McCarthy Tétrault LLPPhelan, Mary Jeanne F.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPPickersgill, Michael T.; Torys LLPPike, Alexandria (Alex); Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPPillon, Elizabeth; Stikeman Elliott LLPPincus, Stephen N.; Goodmans LLPPinsonnault, Guy; McMillan LLPPleet, Erin; Ross Nasseri LLPPletcher, Fred R.; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Plumpton, Linda M.; Torys LLPPoplaw, Mason; McCarthy Tétrault LLPPowell, Sarah V.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPPowys-Lybbe, Karrin A.; Torys LLPPratte, Guy J.; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Préfontaine, Éric; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPPressman, Emmanuel; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPPukier, Brian M.; Stikeman Elliott LLPQuesnel, Alicia K.; Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLPRadomski, Harry B.; Goodmans LLPRamamoorthy, Kavita, PhD; Fineberg Ramamoorthy LLPRamchandani, Rima; Torys LLPRaymond, Paul; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPReagh, Charles S.; Stewart McKelveyReynaud, Joseph; Stikeman Elliott LLPReynolds, Molly; Torys LLPReynolds, R. Bruce; Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLPRiendeau, Alain; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPRiley, Y. Beth; McMillan LLPRitchie, Lawrence E.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPRobb, Michael G.; Siskinds LLPRobertson, David Douglas; EY Law LLPRogers, Linc; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPRomano, Simon A.; Stikeman Elliott LLPRose, Caitlin; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPRosenoff, Howard; Stikeman Elliott LLPRoss, Brad; Goodmans LLPRoth, Elie; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPRothstein, Linda R., LSM; Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPRoy, Sébastien; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPRuf, Franziska; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPRusaw, Cameron M.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPSadikman, Jacob; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPSandler, Tracy C.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPSanft, Jordana; Lenczner SlaghtScheibel, Phillip J.; Rose LLPSchneider, Chad; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPScoler, Joel M.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPShafer, Jeffrey; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPShapiro, Nancy; The Employment Law BoutiqueSharpe, Jeffrey E.; Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLPShaughnessy, Andrew M.; Torys LLPShea, Patrick M.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPShooner, Jean-Guillaume; Stikeman Elliott LLPSilversmith, Warren; Stikeman Elliott LLPSinger, Jeffrey; Stikeman Elliott LLPSingh, Sharon G.K.; McMillan LLPSingleton, John R., KC; Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLPSmall, Shea T.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPSmit, Carrie B.E.; Goodmans LLPSmith, Crawford G.; Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLP
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Sookman, Barry B.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPSotiriadis, Bob H.; ROBICSoulière, Charles-Antoine; McCarthy Tétrault LLPSpry, Cynthia; Babin Bessner Spry LLPSteep, R. Paul; McCarthy Tétrault LLPStepak, Paul; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPStevens, Eric; Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLPStory, Craig A.; Stikeman Elliott LLPStrawson, Anthony V., KC; Felesky Flynn LLPTaplin, Roger R.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPTardif, Alain N.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPTardif, Olivier; Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Taylor, Ashley John; Stikeman Elliott LLPTereposky, Gregory A.; Tereposky & DeRose LLPThérien, Dominic; McCarthy Tétrault LLPThivierge, Manon; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPThomson, Kent E.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPThornton, Robert I.; Thornton Grout Finnigan LLPTraub, Jennifer; Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLPTremblay, Carl; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPTupper, David; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPTurcotte, Maxime; Stikeman Elliott LLPTurner, John S.M.; Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLPUrbani, Michael G.; Stikeman Elliott LLPVaillancourt, Marie-Emmanuelle; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPVan Barr, Christopher C.; Gowling WLGVanderpol, Sean; Stikeman Elliott LLPVeel, Paul-Erik; Lenczner SlaghtVineberg, Justin D.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPVogel, Sharon C.; Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLPWaddell, Margaret L.; Sotos LLPWaitzer, Edward J.; Waitzer LawWakil, Omar K.; Torys LLPWarrier, Vivek T.A.; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPWasserman, Marc; Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLPWeinberger, David; Stikeman Elliott LLPWhitten, David A.; Whitten & Lublin PCWilcox, Peter R.; Belmore Neidrauer LLPWilliams, Matthew G.; Thorsteinssons LLPWilliams, Nicholas C.; Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLPWilson, Jenna L.; Wilson Lue LLPWise, Howard M.; Goodmans LLPWooder, Bob J.; Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLPWoodin, Cheryl M.; Bennett Jones LLPWoollcombe, David E.; McCarthy Tétrault LLPWortsman, Jerald M.; Torys LLPWright, Charles M.; Siskinds LLPWright, J. Kevin; DLA Piper (Canada) LLPWright, Janice L.; Wright Temelini LLPYorke-Slader, Blair C., KC; Bennett Jones LLPZacher, Glenn; Stikeman Elliott LLPZalmanowitz, Barry, KC; Dentons Canada LLPZikovsky, Claire; Stikeman Elliott LLPZischka, Matthew; Smart & BiggarZverina, Tom; Torys LLPZweig, Sean; Bennett Jones LLP
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Gus Karantzoulis Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) Tel: (416) 367-6336 • E-mail: Partner in BLG’s Financial Services Group and regional leader of the Structured Finance and Securitization Group. Leading practitioner in financial services, focusing on lending, securitization, debt-capital markets, private-equity and project/infrastructure financing. Advises Canadian and foreign institutional and alternative lenders, as well as borrowers, on secured and unsecured lending and other financing transactions, including senior and subordinate debt and cross-border financing, cash flow financing, syndicated loans, and secured and unsecured notes/bonds. Advises issuers, note trustees, debenture trustees, and collateral agents on a variety of debt-capital market issuances. Represents participants in structured finance and securitization transactions on a wide variety of asset classes (with particular experience in commercial and residential mortgage loans, credit card receivables, and other trade receivables). Advises a broad array of clients, including governments, on power projects across Canada and the financing of Canadian public-private infrastructure projects. Recognized in Chambers Canada, The Best Lawyers in Canada, and IFLR1000. Education: MBA from Rotman School of Management and LLB from University of Toronto. Admitted to the Ontario Bar in 2002.
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Banking & Financial Institutions leading lawyers
Olivier Tardif Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) Tel: (514) 954-2642 • Fax: (514) 954-1905 • E-mail: Olivier is a partner in BLG’s Financial Services Group in Montreal. His practice focuses on corporate finance, secured transactions, restructuring, and the regulation of financial institutions. He represents financial institutions, including banks and borrowers in connection with private and public financing, project financing, syndicated and cross-border loans, and alternative financing through asset-based lending, leasing, and structured finance. Also provides advice on various issues relating to the regulation of financial institutions and consumer credit. Frequent speaker and writer on issues of financing, secured transactions, and restructuring. Olivier is governor of the Fondation du Barreau du Québec, and a member of the Secured Transactions Law Committee, Quebec Bar. Recognized in Legal 500 Canada as "Next Generation Partner", in The Best Lawyers in Canada and named "2023 Lawyer of the Year" for Banking and Finance Law in Montreal, and in Chambers Canada. Called to the Quebec Bar in 2003.
Mandeep Dhaliwal Lawson Lundell LLPTel: (604) 631-6742 • Fax: (604) 669-1620 • E-mail: Mandeep’s practice deals mainly with banks, insurance companies, leasing companies, funds, and private lenders in both secured and unsecured financing transactions. Mandeep regularly advises on project financing, real estate financing, including construction lending and term financing, subordinated debt financing, deposit insurance facilities, leasing arrangements and other asset-based financing structures, hedging, securitization, and aircraft finance. Mandeep acts on behalf of borrowers in assisting them with local and international project financing, with a focus on mining and independent power projects financings. He also acts on behalf of real estate clients on acquisition and divestitures. He was listed in the 2017 Lexpert Special Edition — Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining and in the Lexpert 2013 Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Corporate Lawyers in Canada. He is recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada for Banking and Finance Law and Project Finance Law, and is recommended by Who's Who Legal for his banking expertise. He was named the 2023 "Lawyer of the Year" for Banking and Finance Law in Vancouver by The Best Lawyers in Canada. He is called to the British Columbia Bar (2002).
David M.A. Amato, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Gordon D. Baird, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Amanda C. Balasubramanian, Torys LLP Chris Bennett, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Ian J. Binnie, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Dan Dedic, Goodmans LLP Adam E. Delean, Torys LLP Simon A. Finch, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Jill P. Fraser, Aird & Berlis LLP Richard T. Higa, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Justin A. Lapedus, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Michael D. Matheson, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Craig Mitchell, Stikeman Elliott LLP Justin Parappally, Stikeman Elliott LLP Joel M. Scoler, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Tom Zverina, Torys LLP
Michel Deschamps, McCarthy Tétrault LLP David Lemieux, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Serge Levy, Stikeman Elliott LLP Richard O'Doherty, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Mary Jeanne F. Phelan, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Howard Rosenoff, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Kevin Fougere, Torys LLP
Kirk M. Baert Koskie Minsky LLPTel: (416) 595-2092 • Fax: (416) 204-2889 • E-mail: Kirk is a partner at Koskie Minsky. His practice focuses on class actions. He has been recognized by Lexpert as a leading Canadian practitioner in Class Actions. He has appeared in courts across the country, including the Supreme Court of Canada, on matters dealing with class action litigation.
Class Actions leading lawyers
Jonathan Foreman Foreman & Company Tel: (519) 914-1175 • E-mail: Jon Foreman is the founder of Foreman & Company, a boutique class actions law firm with a focus on securities law, competition law, Crown liability and consumer protection, among other areas. Included in the Lexpert/ALM 500 since 2022. Recognized by Lexpert in category Most Frequently Recommended. Ranked by Chambers Global as a leading Plaintiff side class action litigator since 2018. Honored in 2013 as one of Lexpert Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40 in Canada. He has litigated a full range of class action matters to resolution by settlement and by judgment including the conduct of multiple class action trials and appeals on the merits. Jon was an adjunct faculty member at Western University Law School where he taught class actions for five years. Jon serves as a member of the Board of Directors of The Advocates' Society. A frequent writer and presenter on class actions at leading legal conferences, he also often provides legal commentary to media outlets such as the CBC, CTV, the Toronto Star, the National Post, The Globe and Mail, The Lawyers Weekly, and others. Jon is a graduate of the law school at Western University and also completed the “Emerging Leaders in Law Firms” executive legal program at the Harvard Law School.
Sarah Armstrong, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Daniel Bach, Siskinds LLP Chantelle Cseh, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Tom Curry, Lenczner Slaght Michael A. Eizenga, LSM, Bennett Jones LLP Sandra A. Forbes, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Laura K. Fric, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Peter Griffin, KC, Lenczner Slaght Katherine L. Kay, Stikeman Elliott LLP Eliot N. Kolers, Stikeman Elliott LLP Gordon McKee, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Linda M. Plumpton, Torys LLP Kent E. Thomson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Cheryl M. Woodin, Bennett Jones LLP
Michael J. Peerless, McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP Michael G. Robb, Siskinds LLP Charles M. Wright, Siskinds LLP
Margaret L. Waddell Sotos LLPTel: (416) 977-2413 • Fax: (416) 977-0717 • E-mail: Margaret L. Waddell brings to her clients over 30 years of experience in successfully prosecuting and resolving class actions and complex civil disputes. She is called to the bar in both Ontario and Alberta. Margaret is recognized as a leading lawyer in the field of Class Actions, and has acted as class counsel on a number of precedent-setting cases in this field. She is regularly sought out to lead on class actions, or to partner with other firms who need additional bench strength, and lawyers often refer their own clients’ class actions to her to prosecute. Margaret’s skill at focusing on key issues and her established credibility before the courts is greatly valued by her clients and referring lawyers. Margaret was an Adjunct Professor of law at Queen’s University, where she taught class action practice and procedure, and guest lectures at other universities. Margaret focuses her practice on achieving quality results for her clients, creatively, efficiently and, importantly, in a cost-effective manner. She has broad experience in solving all manner of commercial conflicts, including contract disputes, insurance and professional liability claims, shareholder disputes, and other commercial controversies.
Pierre Bienvenu, AdE IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLPTel: (514) 934-5095 • Fax: (514) 935-2999 • E-mail: Pierre Bienvenu, AdE, has more than 35 years’ experience practising in international arbitration, corporate and commercial litigation and constitutional law. Acted as counsel and served as arbitrator in international arbitrations involving disputes in energy, transportation, telecommunications, M&A, construction, pharmaceuticals, international distribution and joint ventures, and foreign investment. Appeared before the courts of Quebec, the Federal Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada and participated in numerous challenges to the constitutional validity of provincial and federal legislation. SCC experience includes representing government bodies, institutions and individuals in a range of constitutional and commercial law disputes, including the Attorney General of Canada in the landmark Reference re Secession of Québec. Former co-chair of the IBA Arbitration Committee (2008–9), VP of the LCIA Court (2010–15), and alternate member of the ICC Court (2015–21); currently serves on the SIAC Court of Arbitration. Fellow of the ACTL and CIArb. Fluent in English and French.
Commercial Arbitration leading lawyers
Ian Binnie, CC, KC, Lenczner Slaght Sheila R. Block, Torys LLP Douglas Harrison, FCIArb, Harrison ADR Professional Corporation
L. Yves Fortier, KC, CC, Cabinet Yves Fortier
Stephen L. Drymer Woods LLPTel: (514) 370-8745 • Fax: (514) 284-2046 • E-mail: Stephen L. Drymer is a partner and head of international arbitration at Woods LLP. His practice is focused on domestic and international arbitration and alternative dispute resolution. He acts as counsel, as well as arbitrator and mediator, in domestic and international commercial and investment disputes, and advises parties on a broad range of issues associated with the design, negotiation, drafting, and implementation of dispute resolution agreements and strategies. Educated and trained in both common law and civil, he has acted in disputes in a wide array of industries, involving the laws of many jurisdictions, in both institutional and ad hoc proceedings. He is as well very active as counsel and arbitrator in the resolution of sport-related disputes in Canada and internationally. A member of various institutional rosters of arbitrators and mediators, he is recognized as one of the world’s leading international lawyers and arbitrators.
Craig R. Chiasson Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (604) 640-4221 • Fax: (604) 622-5019 • E-mail: Craig Chiasson is a partner in the International Arbitration Group of Borden Ladner Gervais LLP in Vancouver. He began his career as a student and then associate at BLG in its Disputes Group. In December 2005, he moved to Paris, France, where he practised at Freshfields in its International Arbitration Group until November 2011. Craig has extensive experience in international and domestic arbitration, including investor-state disputes, as counsel and arbitrator. His arbitration experience includes cases seated in and governed by substantive laws of many jurisdictions, and in a vast array of industries. Craig is recognized by Chambers Global and Canada, Who’s Who Legal, Lexpert, and Benchmark Canada, among others, and is Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent rated. Craig is an active member of numerous arbitral institutions and associations, including on Roster of Arbitrators, International Centre for Dispute Resolution, the London Court of International Arbitration, the ICC Canada Arbitration Committee, including as a listed arbitrator, the International Council for Commercial Arbitration and an advisory member of the Institute of Transnational Arbitration. Craig is also a member of the Vancouver International Arbitration Centre as a rostered arbitrator and is on its Rules Committee.
Robert J.C. Deane Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (604) 640-4250 • Fax: (604) 622-5876 • E-mail: Rob is recognized nationally and internationally as a leading counsel in commercial litigation, international and domestic commercial arbitration, privacy, and intellectual property litigation, among other areas. As litigation counsel, Rob has litigated complex cases throughout Canada and at all levels of court, in diverse areas such as contractual disputes, arbitration-related litigation including appeals, mining disputes, life sciences and other intellectual property disputes, consumer class actions, sponsorship and advertising disputes, shareholder disputes, securities regulation, information and privacy law, and administrative law. Rob has also appeared in significant arbitration proceedings in North America, Asia, and Europe, under almost all major institutional sets of rules, in a wide array of industry sectors. After graduating from the University of Victoria as the Law Society of British Columbia Gold Medalist in 1998, Rob served as a law clerk to the Honorable Madam Justice Beverley McLachlin of the Supreme Court of Canada. Rob has been recognized by the Best Lawyers in Canada, Chambers Canada, Chambers Global, and Benchmark Litigation Canada, including as "Arbitration Lawyer of the Year."
Henri C. Alvarez, KC, Alvarez Arbitration Tina Cicchetti, Vancouver Arbitration Chambers Laura Cundari, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Gerald W.J. Ghikas, KC, Vancouver Arbitration Chambers Joseph C. McArthur, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Robert G. Kreklewetz Millar Kreklewetz LLPTel: (416) 864-6200 • Fax: (416) 864-6201 • E-mail: In 1999, Lexpert Magazine called Millar Kreklewetz LLP a “Canadian brand name for commodity tax and international trade work”. In 2024, nothing much has changed, and Rob and his partners Jack Millar and John Bassindale remain leaders in all Canadian Indirect Tax, Customs & International Trade issues affecting the national or international movement of goods, services, labour and business. Indirect Taxes include Canada’s GST/HST, sales and use taxes and tobacco, alcohol fuel and health taxes. Customs & International Trade includes tariff class, origin, value, packaging, labelling, marking, seizures, forfeitures, AMPS, Export Controls and USMCA, WTO and Anti-Dumping / Countervail matters. Rob provides both Advisory and Representation / Litigation services and he has over 35 years of experience before the CITT, Tax Court of Canada and all levels of Appellate Court. Rob is a Past Chair both the Canadian Bar Association’s National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section and the Ontario Bar Association’s Tax Section. He is editor-in-chief of the Sales & Commodity Tax Journal and has written over 1,000 publications and addressed over 400 audiences on topics in these areas.
Commodity Tax/Customs leading lawyers
Dalton J. Albrecht, EY Law LLP Neil E. Bass, Aird & Berlis LLP Greg Kanargelidis, Kanargelidis Global Trade & Customs Law Alan Kenigsberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Jean-Guillaume Shooner, Stikeman Elliott LLP
W. Jack Millar Millar Kreklewetz LLPTel: (416) 864-6200 • Fax: (416) 864-6201 • E-mail: Jack Millar is a Senior Partner at the law firm of Millar Kreklewetz LLP and has been certified as a Tax Specialist by the Law Society of Ontario. He received his JD from the University of Toronto and his LLM from Osgoode Hall Law School. He is a recipient of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal, which honours significant contributions and achievements by Canadians. Jack has been retained as an expert witness in commodity tax litigation and has extensive experience as counsel before the Tax Court of Canada, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal, the Federal Court and the Federal Court of Appeal and the provincial Trial and Appeal Courts. Jack has served on Bench and Bar Committees for both the CITT and the Tax Court of Canada. Jack is a Canadian representative on the CUSMA Bi-National Panel Roster. Jack is a past Governor of the Canadian Tax Foundation and past Chair of the Canadian Bar Association, National Commodity Tax, Customs and Trade Section. He is a past Director of the Canadian Direct Sellers Association, past Chair of the Tax Committee of the Metropolitan Toronto Board of Trade, and a founding member of the GST/HST Leaders’ Forum.
David Douglas Robertson, EY Law LLP
Competition Law leading lawyers
Melanie L. Aitken, Bennett Jones LLP Anita Banicevic, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP John D. Bodrug, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Oliver J. Borgers, McCarthy Tétrault LLP A. Neil Campbell, McMillan LLP Emrys C. Davis, Bennett Jones LLP Antonio Di Domenico, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Brian A. Facey, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Sandra A. Forbes, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Jason L. Gudofsky, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Randal T. Hughes, Bennett Jones LLP Nikiforos Iatrou, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Navin Joneja, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Katherine L. Kay, Stikeman Elliott LLP David W. Kent, McMillan LLP Michael Kilby, Stikeman Elliott LLP Joshua Krane, MLT Aikins LLP Robert E. Kwinter, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Michelle Lally, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP James B. Musgrove, McMillan LLP W. Michael G. Osborne, Cozen O'Connor Linda M. Plumpton, Torys LLP Kent E. Thomson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Omar K. Wakil, Torys LLP
Charles M. Wright, Siskinds LLP
Lawson A.W. Hunter, KC, Stikeman Elliott LLP Susan M. Hutton, Stikeman Elliott LLP Guy Pinsonnault, McMillan LLP
Barry Zalmanowitz, KC, Dentons Canada LLP
Reidar Mogerman, KC, Camp Fiorante Matthews Mogerman LLP J. Kevin Wright, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP
Y. Beth Riley, McMillan LLP
Dominic Thérien, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Lisa R. Lifshitz Torkin Manes LLPTel: (416) 775-8821 • Fax: (877) 689-3891 • E-mail: Lisa Lifshitz is a partner in Torkin Manes’ corporate/commercial group and chairwoman of its technology, privacy, and data management group. She has experience in preparing, negotiating, and advising on technology agreements, including cloud computing, AI/smart contracts, fintech, and blockchain contracts. She also practises in the areas of privacy/cybersecurity, advising on trans-border data transfers, breach management, and CASL compliance. She has earned numerous accolades and rankings as a leading lawyer in information technology, privacy, and data management with Chambers Global, Chambers Canada, Lexpert, The Best Lawyers in Canada, Who’s Who Legal (as a Global Elite Thought Leader), and Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada. She is a well-known author and speaker, contributing to such publications as Business Law Today. She is co-author of Cloud 3.0 – Drafting and Negotiating Effective Cloud Computing Agreement (May 2019). She is currently content officer and chairwoman of the content board of the ABA's business law section (BLS). She co-chairs the BLS robotics and AI subcommittee, cyberspace committee. She has been director/past president of the Canadian Technology Law Association and co-chairwoman of its privacy/cybersecurity committee.
Computer & IT Law leading lawyers
Wendy J. Gross, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Christine Ing, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Barry B. Sookman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Brendan D. Bowles Glaholt Bowles LLPTel: (416) 368-8280 • Fax: (416) 368-3467 • E-mail: Brendan Bowles is a partner at Glaholt Bowles LLP and is the recipient of the OBA’s 2021 award for excellence in infrastructure and construction law. Mr. Bowles acts for a variety of clients involved in construction including subcontractors, general contractors, owners, design professionals, sureties and insurers. He is experienced lead counsel in the arbitration, mediation and litigation of construction disputes. Mr. Bowles graduated from Queen’s University with a BA in 1995 and an LLB in 1998, and was called to the Ontario bar in 2000. In 2004, he was designated as an associate in Canadian Surety Bonding by the Surety Association of Canada. In 2011 he was certified by the LSO as a Specialist in Construction Law. In 2021 and 2022, he received certificates in Mediation and Conflict Management and in Negotiation and Leadership from Harvard Law School. From 2002 to 2017, he volunteered on the Executive for the Construction and Infrastructure Law Section of the OBA, serving as Chair of the Section in 2015–2016. As of January, 2025 Mr. Bowles is a lecturer in construction law at Queen’s University, Faculty of Law. He was Chair of The Advocates’ Society Arbitration and Mediation Practice Group in 2023–2024 and is a trained and experienced mediator.
Construction Law leading lawyers
Glenn W. Ackerley, WeirFoulds LLP Sandra Astolfo, WeirFoulds LLP Geza R. Banfai, McMillan LLP Duncan W. Glaholt, Glaholt ADR Inc. Howard Krupat, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP Howard M. Wise, Goodmans LLP
Antoine Bigenwald, Casavant Bédard Claudia Déry, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Nicolas Gagnon, Lavery, de Billy, L.L.P.
Patricia L. Morrison, KC Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (403) 232-9472 • Fax: (403) 266-1395 • E-mail: Patricia (Trish) Morrison, KC, is a partner and the national business leader of BLG’s Construction Group. Trish provides strategic advice on the management of risk on construction projects, from project start to completion. She has extensive experience in the mediation, arbitration and litigation of construction disputes on large scale commercial, industrial, and infrastructure projects, such as disputes involving tenders, RFPs, construction contracts, liens, design and engineering issues, construction deficiencies, cost overruns and delay. Trish also advises on front-end project matters such as project delivery models, tendering and other procurement methods, contract negotiation and drafting, and provides advisory services throughout projects. Trish is a Fellow and Vice President of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers. She is a frequent speaker and writer on construction industry topics and is called to the Alberta Bar and Manitoba Bar. Trish is recognized as a Leading Lawyer in Construction in Chambers Canada; in The Best Lawyers in Canada (Construction Law); in Who's Who Legal: Canada and Who's Who Legal: Construction; in The Legal 500 Canada; and as a litigation star (Construction and Environmental) and one of the “Top 100 Women in Litigation” by Benchmark Canada.
Simon Grégoire, FCIArb Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (514) 954-3151 • Fax: (514) 954-1905 • E-mail: Simon is a partner and member of BLG’s Construction Group and International Trade and Arbitration Group. Simon advises construction industry players and specializes in complex litigation. He has been involved as lawyer or arbitrator in several large-scale disputes, nationally and internationally, concerning major infrastructural projects ranging from electrical power plants to highways and bridges, aluminum smelters, petrochemical plants, gas pipelines, hospitals, and stadiums. He has published numerous articles and given many presentations in Canada, the United States and Europe on subjects related to litigation and construction, and serves regularly as a trainer in workshops in trial advocacy for younger lawyers. Selected by peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada, Chambers Canada, Who's Who Legal: Canada, and the International Who's Who of Construction Lawyers. Simon is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers. Called to the Quebec Bar in 1988.
Sharon C. Vogel Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLPTel: (416) 585-8602 • Fax: (416) 585-9458 • E-mail: Sharon Vogel is a named partner and co-chair of the Construction and Infrastructure Law Practice Group at Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP. She handles the negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation of construction disputes and has appeared at all levels of court. She has been involved with Public Policy mandates, including acting as co-counsel retained by the Ontario government and federal government to prepare reports and make recommendations on prompt payment and adjudication. Sharon is a Senior Fellow at the University of Melbourne where she teaches international construction law and is co-author of the text, A Guide to Canadian Construction Insurance Law. Sharon is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Canadian College of Construction Lawyers, and American College of Construction Lawyers. She was selected by peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada, has an AV preeminent peer review rating by Martindale-Hubbell, and is ranked Band 1 by Chambers Global. She was recognized as one of the Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada by Canadian Lawyer Magazine, and she received the Female Trailblazer Excellence Award from Canada Law Awards. She has been named as Canadian Construction Litigator of the Year by Benchmark Canada for the past 3 years.
R. Bruce Reynolds Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLPTel: (416) 585-8601 • Fax: (416) 585-9458 • E-mail: Bruce Reynolds is co-managing partner and a named partner in the Construction and Infrastructure Group at Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP. He practises contentious and non-contentious construction law. Former counsel to the Ontario Government in expert review of the Construction Lien Act. Co-author, A Guide to Canadian Construction Insurance Law, Scott and Reynolds on Surety Bonds, and Construction, Builders and Mechanics’ Liens in Canada (7th ed). The only Canadian lawyer among the most highly regarded construction lawyers internationally. Noted by Who's Who Legal as “‘a top practitioner’. He was the most highly nominated practitioner, and the only Canadian lawyer to be featured.” Rated Band 1 for construction law, Chambers Global. Past Co-Chair, International Construction Projects Committee, International Bar Association. Past Governor, American College of Construction Lawyers. Co-Chair, International Committee, American College of Construction Lawyers. Member, Board of Governors, Canadian College of Construction Lawyers. Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Recognized as one of the Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada by Canadian Lawyer Magazine.
Andrea Lee Glaholt Bowles LLPTel: (416) 368-8280 • Fax: (416) 368-3467 • E-mail: Andrea Lee is certified as a Specialist in Construction Law by the Law Society of Ontario and a Fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers. She is a Past Chair of the OBA Construction and Infrastructure Law Section. Andrea obtained her Bachelor of Architecture at the University of Toronto and her Bachelor of Law at Queen’s University. Andrea acts for owners, construction and design parties, sureties and insurers in complex adjudication, litigation and arbitration matters and advises clients with respect to construction and design agreements under various project delivery methods. Andrea is a co-founder of the construction law course at Queen's University and teaches construction law as an Osgoode LLM program. She is also a skills instructor at The Advocates' Society. Andrea co-authored chapters focused on design professionals in Halsbury's Laws of Canada, Construction and Review of Construction Law: Recent Developments. Andrea is the co-editor and co-author of Critical Issues in the Canadian Law of Architects and Engineers and co-edited Bidding and Tendering, What is the Law? (6th edition). Andrea is a member of the RAIC Practice Support Committee and mentors young professionals through the OBA and the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers.
Patrice Morin Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (514) 954-3104 • Fax: (514) 954-1905 • E-mail: Partner and member of BLG’s Construction Group. Acts on matters related to infrastructure and construction law, such as call for tender issues, conformity, bonds, professional liability, legal hypothecs and construction-related insurance issues. Regularly acts for clients involved in major infrastructure projects. Litigates claims for additional compensation and other complex litigation before the civil courts, in arbitration and before dispute resolution boards. Assists clients in negotiating construction or services contracts in both the private and public sectors. Also assists clients in preparing risk management and risk prevention programs. Regularly invited to speak at the various conferences delivered to the construction industry. Member of the AFG board (Association des firmes de génie du Québec). Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Bar Association, Civil Litigation and Insurance section, Quebec division. Fellow of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers. Selected by peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada. Selected by The Best Lawyers in Canada as the 2023 "Lawyer of the Year in Montreal" for Construction Law and also included in Lexpert's Leading 500 Cross-Border Lawyers. Called to the Quebec Bar in 1996.
Phillip J. Scheibel, Rose LLP
Chris R. Armstrong, McLean & Armstrong LLP John S. Logan, KC, Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP Karen Martin, KC, Dentons Canada LLP David T. Mckenzie, Jenkins Marzban Logan LLP John R. Singleton, KC, Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP
David A. Allard Lawson Lundell LLPTel: (604) 631-9108 • Fax: (604) 641-2813 • E-mail: David practises primarily in the areas of mergers & acquisitions and corporate finance & securities law. He has extensive experience focused on advising private and public company clients on transactional and general corporate commercial matters, corporate reorganizations and restructurings, and corporate governance issues. Major transactional work includes the sale and purchase of large-scale manufacturing and processing operations and businesses; multi-jurisdictional structured sale transactions; private equity and venture capital investments; convertible debt financings; early stage financings; and corporate restructuring transactions and proceedings. He works with clients at all stages of development, from senior public companies to start-ups and entrepreneurs, and represents clients across a variety of industries, including forestry, services, and technology. He is recognized by The Best Lawyers in Canada for Corporate Law and M&A Law and was named their Vancouver Lawyer of the Year for Corporate Law (2019) and M&A Law (2021). He is recognized by Chambers Canada for his Corporate/Commercial and Forestry expertise. He is called to the British Columbia Bar (1987). David is a regular lecturer on business law matters and contributor to continuing legal education publications.
Corporate Commercial Law leading lawyers
Aaron Atkinson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Andrew W. Aziz, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Patrick G. Barry, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Sarbjit S. Basra, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Chad Bayne, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Joel E. Binder, Stikeman Elliott LLP William J. Braithwaite, Stikeman Elliott LLP Matthew Cockburn, Torys LLP Curtis Cusinato, Bennett Jones LLP John E. Emanoilidis, Torys LLP Jeremy D. Fraiberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Michael Gans, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Stephen H. Halperin, Goodmans LLP Carol Hansell, Hansell LLP Christopher A. Hewat, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Samantha G. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Dale H. Lastman, CM, OOnt, Goodmans LLP Jeffrey R. Lloyd, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Neill I. May, Goodmans LLP Vincent A. Mercier, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP J. Alexander Moore, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Patricia L. Olasker, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Carol D. Pennycook, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Stephen N. Pincus, Goodmans LLP Karrin A. Powys-Lybbe, Torys LLP Emmanuel Pressman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Brian M. Pukier, Stikeman Elliott LLP Simon A. Romano, Stikeman Elliott LLP Cameron M. Rusaw, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Jeffrey Singer, Stikeman Elliott LLP Edward J. Waitzer, Waitzer Law David E. Woollcombe, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Carl Bélanger, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Michel Boislard, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Patrick Boucher, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Philippe Bourassa, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Robert Carelli, Stikeman Elliott LLP Peter Castiel, Stikeman Elliott LLP Charles Chevrette, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Vanessa Coiteux, Stikeman Elliott LLP Éric Gosselin, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Shahir Guindi, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Sidney M. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Neil Katz, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Warren M. Katz, Stikeman Elliott LLP Stephen J. Kelly, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Neil Kravitz, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Sophie Lamonde, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jean Michel Lapierre, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Pierre-Yves Leduc, Stikeman Elliott LLP John W. Leopold, Stikeman Elliott LLP Eric M. Levy, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Clemens Mayr, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Paul Raymond, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Caitlin Rose, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Sébastien Roy, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Franziska Ruf, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Patrick M. Shea, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Eric Stevens, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Maxime Turcotte, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Denise Nawata FARRISTel: (604) 661-1746 • Fax: (604) 661-9349 • E-mail: Denise Nawata is a corporate-commercial partner practising in the fields of corporate finance & securities, cross-border mergers & acquisitions, and corporate governance law. Her practice is focused on complex business transactions, for both public and private companies at various stages of their corporate growth. Denise acts for clients in a wide range of industries, including natural resources (with extensive experience in mining and oil & gas transactions), technology, and life sciences. In 2016, Denise was named as one of the Lexpert Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40. She was also recognized as a 2017 Lexpert Lawyer to Watch; and in the 2024 Lexpert Special Editions — Mining, Energy, and Finance and M&A. She is also recognized in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, and the 2025 The Best Lawyers in Canada directory for her work in mergers & acquisitions, corporate, and securities law. Admitted to the Alberta Bar (2005) and British Columbia Bar (2006).
Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP John-Paul Bogden, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Steven R. McKoen, KC, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Sven O. Milelli, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Bradley A. Newby, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Marc Dorion, KC, AdE, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Anne-Marie Naud, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Carl Tremblay, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Québec City
Marcus W. Archer, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Ross Bentley, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Chris Christopher, Torys LLP Leland P. Corbett, Stikeman Elliott LLP Alyson F. Goldman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Brent W. Kraus, Bennett Jones LLP Patrick T. Maguire, Bennett Jones LLP Craig A. Story, Stikeman Elliott LLP Vivek T.A. Warrier, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Fred R. Pletcher Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (604) 640-4245 • Fax: (604) 622-5802 • E-mail: Fred Pletcher is a partner in the BLG Vancouver office and the national leader of BLG’s Mining Group. He provides practical advice on complex transactions and prides himself on achieving exceptional results for clients. Fred advises public companies and underwriters in connection with mergers & acquisitions, corporate finance, corporate governance, continuous disclosure, and general commercial matters. In the mining field, Fred acts for Canadian and international mining companies in acquisitions and dispositions of mines, development projects and exploration properties, joint venture and option agreements, royalty and streaming transactions, expropriations, and NI 43-101 reporting obligations. Fred often advises boards of directors and special committees of public companies. He also has considerable experience in the field of shareholder activism. He frequently speaks and publishes papers on corporate, securities, and mining issues. He is recognized as a leading Canadian practitioner in these areas in numerous Canadian and international ranking publications.
Corporate Finance & Securities leading lawyers
Tim Andison, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Aaron Atkinson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Joel E. Binder, Stikeman Elliott LLP William J. Braithwaite, Stikeman Elliott LLP John J. Ciardullo, Stikeman Elliott LLP Georges Dubé, McMillan LLP John E. Emanoilidis, Torys LLP Jeremy D. Fraiberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Jeff Glass, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Ramandeep Grewal, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jeffrey M. Hershenfield, Stikeman Elliott LLP Christopher A. Hewat, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Michael D. Innes, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Glen R. Johnson, Torys LLP Desmond Lee, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Jeffrey R. Lloyd, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Neill I. May, Goodmans LLP Vincent A. Mercier, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP J. Alexander Moore, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP D'Arcy Nordick, Stikeman Elliott LLP Patricia L. Olasker, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Andrew C. Parker, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Karrin A. Powys-Lybbe, Torys LLP Emmanuel Pressman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Brian M. Pukier, Stikeman Elliott LLP Rima Ramchandani, Torys LLP Simon A. Romano, Stikeman Elliott LLP Brad Ross, Goodmans LLP Jeffrey Singer, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sean Vanderpol, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Patrick Boucher, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Robert Carelli, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jean-Pierre Chamberland, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Vanessa Coiteux, Stikeman Elliott LLP Olivier Désilets, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Sidney M. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Warren M. Katz, Stikeman Elliott LLP Stephen J. Kelly, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Neil Kravitz, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Jean Michel Lapierre, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Pierre-Yves Leduc, Stikeman Elliott LLP David Massé, Stikeman Elliott LLP Clemens Mayr, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Paul Raymond, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Sébastien Roy, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Franziska Ruf, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Maxime Turcotte, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Gordon R. Chambers, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP David Gunasekera, DuMoulin Black LLP Alan J. Hutchison, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Kathleen P. Keilty, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Steven R. McKoen, KC, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Bob J. Wooder, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Marcus W. Archer, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Ross Bentley, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Alyson F. Goldman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Brent W. Kraus, Bennett Jones LLP Christopher W. Nixon, Stikeman Elliott LLP Chad Schneider, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Craig A. Story, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Pascale Dionne Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (514) 954-2516 • Fax: (514) 954-1905 • E-mail: Pascale heads BLG's Montreal corporate and commercial group, as well as the firm’s Quebec practice in public infrastructures. Her special expertise in commercial law includes extensive experience in corporate finance. Having worked with a wide array of clients on a variety of transactions, Pascale has a broad and thorough understanding of business issues. This helps her devise optimal strategies and achieve desired outcomes for the benefit of all parties involved. Pascale has unique expertise in mezzanine and subordinated financing, as well as with structuring and negotiating intercreditors arrangements. She is also experienced in the taking of security interest over various class types of assets and rights, including aircraft, aircraft engines, mining rights and contracts. She has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2020, including as "Lawyer of the Year" for Montreal in Project Finance Law in 2023.
Corporate Mid-MarkeT leading lawyers
Gesta A. Abols, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Aaron Atkinson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Alethea Au, Stikeman Elliott LLP Chad Bayne, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Donald G. Belovich, Stikeman Elliott LLP Joel E. Binder, Stikeman Elliott LLP Curtis Cusinato, Bennett Jones LLP Jeremy D. Fraiberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Samantha G. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Kim Le, Stikeman Elliott LLP Neill I. May, Goodmans LLP Vincent A. Mercier, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Mario Nigro, Stikeman Elliott LLP W. Ian Palm, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Brian M. Pukier, Stikeman Elliott LLP Simon A. Romano, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jeffrey Singer, Stikeman Elliott LLP David E. Woollcombe, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Carl Bélanger, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Michel Boislard, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Patrick Boucher, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Robert Carelli, Stikeman Elliott LLP Peter Castiel, Stikeman Elliott LLP Charles Chevrette, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Pascal de Guise, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Éric Gosselin, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Shahir Guindi, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Sidney M. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Neil Katz, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Warren M. Katz, Stikeman Elliott LLP Kevin Kyte, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sophie Lamonde, Stikeman Elliott LLP Pierre-Yves Leduc, Stikeman Elliott LLP John W. Leopold, Stikeman Elliott LLP Clemens Mayr, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Hadrien Montagne, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Aniko Pelland, Stikeman Elliott LLP Paul Raymond, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Caitlin Rose, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Sébastien Roy, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Franziska Ruf, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Patrick M. Shea, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Warren Silversmith, Stikeman Elliott LLP Eric Stevens, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Maxime Turcotte, Stikeman Elliott LLP Justin D. Vineberg, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Claire Zikovsky, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Marc Dorion, KC, AdE, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Mathieu Laflamme, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Philippe Leclerc, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Charles-Antoine Soulière, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Carl Tremblay, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Jared Bachynski, Stikeman Elliott LLP Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP John-Paul Bogden, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Adam M. Dlin, Stikeman Elliott LLP Robin Mahood, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Iain Mant, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Steven R. McKoen, KC, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Sven O. Milelli, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Bradley A. Newby, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Michael G. Urbani, Stikeman Elliott LLP Bob J. Wooder, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Neil Ezra Hazan Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (514) 954-2511 • Fax: (514) 954-1905 • E-mail: Neil is a partner in BLG’s Corporate Commercial Group in Montreal. Neil's practice focuses on domestic and cross-border mergers and acquisitions, corporate finance, joint ventures, assisting businesses with their expansion into Canada, as well as advising on local and international agency and distribution agreements. He regularly advises strategic and private equity clients in various industries on Canadian and international platform and bolt-on acquisitions. Recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada and in the IFLR1000: The Guide to the World's Leading Financial Law Firms. Called to the New York State Bar in 2003 and the Quebec Bar in 2005.
Jennifer A. Archer Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (604) 640-4114 • Fax: (604) 622-5011 • E-mail: Jennifer Archer is a partner in BLG's Vancouver office. She represents and advises clients on a wide range of corporate and commercial matters, with a particular focus in the areas of mergers & acquisitions, domestic and international corporate reorganizations, energy transactions, and public procurement. Jennifer also has significant experience advising clients in connection with complex commercial agreements, joint venture agreements, and governance-related matters. Jennifer is a member of the firm's Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) leadership team. She was an Adjunct Professor at the University of British Columbia Faculty of Law from 2010 until 2014. She has been recognized in Lexpert Special Edition: Finance and M&A, The Best Lawyers in Canada, and The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory.
Marcus W. Archer, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Michael J. Bennett, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Gordon Cameron, Stikeman Elliott LLP Craig A. Story, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Charles S. Reagh, Stewart McKelvey
Ian J. Gamble Thorsteinssons LLPTel: (604) 602-4290 • Fax: (604) 688-4711 • E-mail: Ian Gamble is widely recognized as a leading tax lawyer in Canada. He has vast experience representing large corporations in the Canadian mining, forestry, telecommunications, energy, and real estate sectors. He is experienced in the taxation of mergers and acquisitions, business restructurings, flow-through share financings, cross-border transactions (including foreign affiliates), Canada Revenue Agency audits, and related tax appeals.
Corporate Tax leading lawyers
Firoz Ahmed, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Raj Juneja, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Dean Kraus, Stikeman Elliott LLP John G. Lorito, Stikeman Elliott LLP Patrick W. Marley, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Al Meghji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Elie Roth, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Jeffrey Shafer, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Carrie B.E. Smit, Goodmans LLP Paul Stepak, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Jerald M. Wortsman, Torys LLP
Brian Bloom, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Mark D. Brender, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Michael N. Kandev, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Frank Mathieu, Stikeman Elliott LLP Angelo Nikolakakis, EY Law LLP Manon Thivierge, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Marie-Emmanuelle Vaillancourt, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Edwin G. Kroft, KC, Bennett Jones LLP Joel A. Nitikman, Dentons Canada LLP
Siobhan A.M. Goguen Felesky Flynn LLPTel: (403) 260-3313 • Fax: (403) 263-9649 • E-mail: Siobhan practises in all areas of Canadian tax law with an emphasis on cross-border transactions. Appointed King's Counsel in 2020, she is especially skilled at international tax planning, understanding the intricacies between the laws of each country. Before becoming a lawyer, Siobhan earned her Certified Management Accountant designation and practised accounting across a variety of industries. Siobhan was called to the Alberta Bar in 1998, after clerking with the Alberta Court of Appeal and Court of King's Bench of Alberta. She received a Master of Laws (US Taxation) from Southern Methodist University in 2000. Siobhan has been a partner with Felesky Flynn since 2004, acting as co-managing partner from 2016 to 2018. As an avid globetrotter, her multifaceted thinking offers a worldly perspective to tax law. Siobhan has written and presented on numerous tax topics for the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Tax Foundation and the International Fiscal Association, while also serving a sessional instructor at the University of Calgary, Faculty of Law. She is a former Governor of the Canadian Tax Foundation and is recognized as a leading tax lawyer.
Sarah S. Chiu Felesky Flynn LLPTel: (403) 260-5639 • Fax: (403) 263-9649 • E-mail: Sarah practises in all areas of tax law. She holds both her Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering degrees from the University of Calgary. Today, she maintains her ties with the school as a sessional instructor. Prior to entering the legal profession, Sarah worked at a major energy company in Calgary. She served as a law clerk to the Honourable Justices of the Alberta Court of King’s Bench and articled with a national firm prior to joining Felesky Flynn in 2010. As partner in Calgary, she rallies her team of passionate professionals, leveraging everyone’s abilities to deliver progressive advice. From managing large corporate restructures to smart tax planning for high net-worth families, Sarah is determined to shape strong results. Outside of work, Sarah lends her expertise to the tax profession as a member of the CBA/CPA Joint Committee, as a Governor of the Canadian Tax Foundation and as a member of the Executive Committee of the International Fiscal Association. Sarah is also the past-chair of the Board of Directors of Making Changes Employment Association of Alberta, a local charity and affiliate of the Dress For Success Canada Foundation.
Carrie Aiken, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP D. Brett Anderson, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Byron S. Beswick, KPMG Law LLP Julie D'Avignon, Stikeman Elliott LLP Heather DiGregorio, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP Gregory M. Johnson, Bennett Jones LLP Al Meghji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Darcy D. Moch, KC, Bennett Jones LLP Anu Nijhawan, Bennett Jones LLP
Anthony V. Strawson, KC Felesky Flynn LLPTel: (403) 260-5634 • Fax: (403) 263-9649 • E-mail: Anthony’s practice covers a wide array of taxation law matters, providing businesses and high net-worth families with tax planning and tax dispute resolution advice. In 2022, Anthony was appointed King’s Counsel. Recognized for tax law in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, Lexpert's Leading 500 Cross-Border Lawyers: A Guide to Doing Business in Canada, and The Best Lawyers in Canada, Anthony is one of our co-managing partners in Calgary. Anthony graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School with the highest academic standing in multiple tax law courses. Along with being a tax lawyer, he is also an accountant, holding certificates in Canada and the US. Anthony is a former sessional instructor of taxation law at the University of Calgary who has written and spoken on numerous taxation law matters, including for the Canadian Tax Foundation, the Canadian Petroleum Tax Society, the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, the Canadian Bar Association and numerous accounting groups. As a past member of the Joint Committee on Taxation of the Canadian Bar Association and the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada for approximately 10 years, Anthony also has made numerous submissions to the Department of Finance in pursuit of improvements to the Canadian tax system.
Data Protection & Privacy leading lawyers
Imran Ahmad, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Alex Cameron, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Adam G. Kardash, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Molly Reynolds, Torys LLP Barry B. Sookman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Éloïse Gratton, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Chantal Bernier, Dentons Canada LLP
David T.S. Fraser, McInnes Cooper
Derivative Instruments leading lawyers
Lisa Mantello, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Mark E. McElheran, Stikeman Elliott LLP Candace M. Pallone, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Matthew L.O. Certosimo, CS Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (416) 367-6068 • Fax: (416) 367-6749 • E-mail: Matthew is certified by the Law Society of Ontario as a Specialist in Labour Law. He is a partner and the former national leader (2011–2016) of BLG’s Labour and Employment Group. He frequently appears before the courts including the appellate level. He counsels and acts on behalf of private and public sector employers in labour relations, employment law, including wrongful dismissal litigation, labour arbitrations, collective bargaining, human rights complaints and charges under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Matthew is the co-author of Just Cause: The Law of Summary Dismissal in Canada (Canada Law Book), assistant editor, Canadian Cases on Employment Law, a national law report series (Carswell), author of Ontario Employment and Labour Law & Commentary (LexisNexis) and Federal Employment and Labour Law & Commentary (LexisNexis), and the author of The Regulation of Picketing: An Employer’s Primer to Labour Injunctions (Carswell). Matthew is recognized in Chambers Canada, The Best Lawyers in Canada, and The Legal 500 Canada. Chair and speaker at numerous labour and employment law conferences. He was an adjunct Professor, Employment Law, University of Toronto, 1996–2011. Matthew was called to the Ontario Bar in 1995.
Employment Law leading lawyers
Kathryn Bird, Ogletree Deakins International LLP Allyson M. Fischer, Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP R. Mark Fletcher, Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLP William R. Gale, Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLP Jeffrey E. Goodman, Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark LLP Jeff C. Hopkins, Grosman Gale Fletcher Hopkins LLP Erin R. Kuzz, Sherrard Kuzz LLP Daniel A. Lublin, Whitten & Lublin PC David A. Whitten, Whitten & Lublin PC
André L. Baril, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Alexandre W. Buswell, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Magali Cournoyer-Proulx, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Stéphane Fillion, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Nancy Shapiro The Employment Law BoutiqueTel: (416) 361-1562 • E-mail: Nancy Shapiro was called to the bar in 1998 and her practice is devoted exclusively to employment law. Nancy has been selected for the fourth time as one of Lexpert's Leading 500 Cross-Border Lawyers 2025, in the area of employment law. Nancy works with employers and employees in a wide variety of non-unionized employment matters. Nancy's services include the full cycle of an employment relationship including: hiring, discipline, disability management, performance management, and human rights through to termination. She is frequently engaged in the preparation and negotiation of employment contracts, manuals and policies, legislative compliance, restructuring, workplace investigations, as well as litigation and appellant work. Nancy acts on cases of wrongful dismissal, breach of contract, discrimination, constructive dismissal, director and officer liability and errors and omissions issues, and partnership/shareholder disputes in the employment context. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences, and author of many employment-related articles. She was recognized by Best Lawyers as the 2023 “Lawyer of the Year” for Labour and Employment Law and as well as by Chambers Canada for Employment & Labour: Non-Unionised Employees.
Chris G. Paliare, OO, LSM Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPTel: (416) 646-4318 • Fax: (416) 646-4301 • E-mail: Chris Paliare, OOnt, LSM, is one of Canada’s premier litigators at trial and appellate levels, shareholder disputes, securities litigation, administrative law, Charter of Rights and Freedoms and constitutional litigation, class actions, employment law and white collar criminal law. His unique combination of sophisticated legal skills, strategic instincts, and creativity has earned him recognition as one of the top litigators in the country. Chris is a Fellow of IATL (Eastern Canadian Chair), ISB and ACTL and former Ontario Provincial Chair. He is an honorary member of COMBAR, and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Chris is recognized in Lexpert as a leading Litigation lawyer and has been recognized in The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2006. He has been listed in the Lexpert Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-Border Litigation Lawyers in Canada; The Lexpert Guide to the 100 Most Creative Lawyers in Canada; The Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada; Bet-the-Company Litigators; Recipient of the OBA, Civil Litigation Award of Excellence. Chris was also recently recognized as Lawyer of the Year by Best Lawyers in Canada and was inducted into the Order of Ontario (2011) and received the Law Society Medal (2008).
Sarah C. Crossley Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLPTel: (416) 408-5514 • Fax: (416) 408-4814 • E-mail: Sarah Crossley is a partner at Filion Wakely Thorup Angeletti LLP. Sarah acts for employers in both federal and provincial jurisdictions. Her clients range from small businesses to multi-jurisdictional employers in a wide range of industries. Sarah provides practical and strategic advice to employers on all aspects of labour and employment related workplace issues from recruitment to dismissal (including post employment obligations). She regularly acts as counsel in wrongful dismissal litigation, human rights proceedings, and arbitrations. She is also regularly retained to conduct workplace investigations, often as an external, independent investigator ranging from harassment/bullying, human rights matters and general misconduct. Sarah is a sought-after expert, having written on and delivered many presentations on such issues as conducting lawful and effective workplace investigations, accommodation, workplace discrimination and harassment, and terminations. Sarah has been recognized as a leading practitioner in Employment, Labour and Workplace Human Rights in Chambers Canada, Lexpert, Who’s Who Legal, Best Lawyers and Thomson Reuters Stand-Out Lawyer. Sarah is also a Fellow of the American College of Labor and Employment Lawyers.
Randall W. Block, KC Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (403) 232-9572 • Fax: (403) 266-1395 • E-mail: Randall is recognized as one of the world’s leading lawyers in all forms of dispute resolution in the energy and oil & gas industries with an emphasis on regulatory proceedings, corporate/commercial litigation, and arbitration related to energy and corporate/commercial disputes. He has appeared before the Alberta Court of Queen's Bench, Alberta Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court of Canada, the Alberta Utilities Commission, the Alberta Energy Regulator, and the Canada Energy Regulator. He has also sat as an arbitrator. Randall has written and lectured on various issues in oil & gas law and realization on oil & gas-related security. He was appointed King's Counsel in 2005, and Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers in 2010. Recognized in Chambers Canada for Litigation: General Commercial (Alberta) and Energy: Oil & Gas (Regulatory). Recognized as Energy/Resources Litigator of the Year 2013 by Benchmark Canada. Selected by peers for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in Canada and was named as Calgary Lawyer of the Year for Administrative and Public Law (2021), Corporate and Commercial Litigation (2019), Energy Regulatory Law (2018), Oil and Gas Law (2017), and Bet-the-Company Litigation (2013). Called to the Alberta Bar in 1985.
Energy (Electricity) leading lawyers
Krista F. Hill, Torys LLP Charles Keizer, Torys LLP Jacob Sadikman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Glenn Zacher, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Marc Dorion, KC, AdE, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Luigi A. (Lou) Cusano, KC, Torys LLP Terri-Lee Oleniuk, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Jonathan Liteplo Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (403) 232-9533 • Fax: (403) 266-1395 • E-mail: Jonathan Liteplo works extensively in the area of energy and utilities regulation. As a leading practitioner, Jonathan represents participants in the electricity, oil and gas, water and wastewater, and mining industries in a broad range of matters before regulatory authorities and the courts. He has wide-ranging experience representing owners in obtaining: tariff-related approvals under cost of service and performance-based rate regulation; utility cost of capital approvals; change of control approvals; and regulatory permitting for complex and controversial infrastructure projects. His clients value his leadership skills, the comprehensive analytical and strategic approach he brings to each matter, and his emphasis on adopting a team approach with his clients to achieving successful outcomes.
Energy (Oil & Gas) leading lawyers
George Antonopoulos, Dentons Canada LLP Simon C. Baines, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Chris Christopher, Torys LLP Shawn H.T. Denstedt, KC, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Martin Ignasiak, KC, Bennett Jones LLP Patrick T. Maguire, Bennett Jones LLP Alicia K. Quesnel, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP Vivek T.A. Warrier, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Marc McAree Willms & Shier Environmental Lawyers LLPTel: (416) 862-4820 • Fax: (416) 863-1938 • E-mail: Marc McAree, BA (Hons.), LLB, MES, is a Law Society of Ontario Certified Specialist in Environmental Law. He assists clients in managing environmental risks and liabilities while limiting clients’ reputational risk. He brings environmental law expertise to contaminated land/brownfields clean ups, environmental aspects of transactions, environmental insurance, environmental compliance, environmental approval and order appeals, and defence of environmental prosecutions and environmental civil actions. He is recognized for his excellence in advocating for clients in environmental civil litigation at all levels of Ontario courts, his defence of clients against environmental regulatory prosecutions, and his appearances before Ontario’s Land Tribunal and other administrative decision-makers on appeals and at hearings. He is named in The 2025 Lexpert's Leading 500 Cross-Border Lawyers: A Guide to Doing Business in Canada. He is named by Best Lawyers 2019 as “Lawyer of the Year” for Toronto environmental law and is selected annually by Best Lawyers for environmental law and municipal law. He is ranked as a Global Elite Thought Leader in Lexology for Environment and Climate Change.
Environmental Law leading lawyers
Janet L. Bobechko, WeirFoulds LLP Rosalind H. Cooper, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Jennifer Fairfax, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Tamara Farber, Miller Thomson LLP Leonard J. Griffiths, Bennett Jones LLP Natalie Mullins, Gowling WLG Alexandria (Alex) Pike, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Sarah V. Powell, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Bryan J. Buttigieg, Miller Thomson LLP
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG) leading lawyers
Lisa (Elisabeth) DeMarco, Resilient LLP Sarah E. Gilbert, Bennett Jones LLP Carol Hansell, Hansell LLP Alexandria (Alex) Pike, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Sarah V. Powell, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Radha D. Curpen, McMillan LLP Sharon G.K. Singh, McMillan LLP
Terri-Lee Oleniuk, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Matthew P. Gottlieb Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPTel: (416) 644-5353 • Fax: (416) 598-3730 • E-mail: Matthew practises business litigation including corporate and commercial disputes, insolvency and restructuring and fraud and securities litigation. Matt’s extensive track record of success in complex, high-stakes disputes explains why he is recognized as one of Canada’s top litigation lawyers. He has significant expertise in trials and applications, in tribunal and arbitration hearings, and regularly appears at all levels of court in Ontario and other provinces, the Federal Court of Canada and the Supreme Court of Canada. Matt has acted as counsel in many major proceedings, including those regarding Aon, Clublink, the Stronach Family, Dymon Corporation, York Region, Sears Canada, Mattamy Homes and a number of material parties in complex insolvency proceedings. Matt is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and The International Academy of Trial Lawyers. He is a frequent instructor at many litigation-related seminars held by the Law Society of Ontario, The Advocates' Society and other organizations.
Insolvency & Financial Restructuring leading lawyers
Chris Armstrong, Goodmans LLP George Benchetrit, Chaitons LLP David Bish, Torys LLP Scott A. Bomhof, Torys LLP Christopher Burr, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Robert J. Chadwick, Goodmans LLP Harvey G. Chaiton, Chaitons LLP Pamela L.J. Huff, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Natasha MacParland, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Brendan O'Neill, Goodmans LLP Elizabeth Pillon, Stikeman Elliott LLP Linc Rogers, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Tracy C. Sandler, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Ashley John Taylor, Stikeman Elliott LLP Marc Wasserman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Sean Zweig, Bennett Jones LLP
Sandra Abitan, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Hugo Babos-Marchand, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Denis Ferland, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Jean Fontaine, Stikeman Elliott LLP Christian Lachance, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Guy P. Martel, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jocelyn Perreault, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Joseph Reynaud, Stikeman Elliott LLP Alain Riendeau, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Alain N. Tardif, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Robert I. Thornton Thornton Grout Finnigan LLPTel: (416) 304-0560 • Fax: (416) 304-1313 • E-mail: Robert is a widely-recognized and highly-sought-after lawyer, noted as one of the foremost insolvency practitioners in Canada. Bob is a founding partner of Thornton Grout Finnigan (TGF) and works on some of the firm’s most high-priority and complex insolvency matters. His breadth and depth of experience is unparalleled in the industry, and has resulted in Bob enjoying a well-earned reputation as a pillar in the legal profession. Known for his creativity, energy and collaborative approach, Bob is frequently noted for his articulate client service and legal advice. He brings an intelligent, well-rounded and affable presence to each mandate, ensuring clients are supported throughout what are often the country’s largest and most pressing legal situations. A natural leader and mentor, Bob is active within the insolvency law industry and is committed to the development of the practice of law. Bob is the only lawyer in full-time practice to hold fellowships with both the Insolvency Institute of Canada and the American College of Bankruptcy.
Daniel R. Bereskin, KC Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 957-1673 • Fax: (416) 361-1398 • E-mail: Daniel Bereskin was appointed King’s Counsel in 1982 and a Member of the Order of Canada in 2020 for his leadership in the field of intellectual property law in Canada and abroad. He is the author of The Canadian Law of Unfair Competition and of more than fifty papers and articles on various intellectual property law subjects. Dan is a recipient of the INTA President’s Award, having served as Legal Counsel to the INTA and as a member of the INTA Board of Directors. He was named “Trademarks Lawyer of the Year” world-wide for eight consecutive years by Who’s Who Legal and was granted a Lifetime Achievement award by World Leaders International IP Awards in 2007. He also received a Lexpert Zenith Award in 2012 as a “change agent” and was elected to the IP Hall of Fame in 2014. In 2017, Dan received a Lifetime Achievement Award by Managing Intellectual Property and was named “Lawyer of the Year 2020” by Best Lawyers for Intellectual Property in Canada.
Intellectual Property leading lawyers
Andrew E. Bernstein, Torys LLP Andrew Brodkin, Goodmans LLP May M. Cheng, Dipchand LLP Casey M. Chisick, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Mark Edward Davis, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Elizabeth S. Dipchand, Dipchand LLP Sana Halwani, Lenczner Slaght Dominique T. Hussey, Bennett Jones LLP Nathaniel Lipkus, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Henry Lue, Wilson Lue LLP Alan Macek, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP Harry B. Radomski, Goodmans LLP Kavita Ramamoorthy, PhD, Fineberg Ramamoorthy LLP Jordana Sanft, Lenczner Slaght Andrew M. Shaughnessy, Torys LLP Barry B. Sookman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Peter R. Wilcox, Belmore Neidrauer LLP Jenna L. Wilson, Wilson Lue LLP
Catherine Bergeron, ROBIC Laurent Carrière, ROBIC Bob H. Sotiriadis, ROBIC
Mark Biernacki Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 595-2766 • Fax: (416) 591-1690 • E-mail: Mark Biernacki is a Principal in Smart & Biggar’s Toronto office. He is a savvy IP litigator and skilled negotiator who excels in all areas of IP litigation including patents, trademarks, copyrights and industrial designs. Recognized as an “IP star,” clients rely on Mark’s ability to successfully resolve disputes through negotiation, mediation or litigation, and commend him for his creativity and being "excellent in court.” Clients appreciate his considerable experience in pharmaceutical patent litigation, including under the Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations. Both plaintiffs and defendants have been successfully represented by Mark before the Trademarks Opposition Board, Ontario Superior Court of Justice, Federal Court of Canada and the Federal Court of Appeal. He has also successfully resolved many disputes through mediation and negotiation. He is listed in Euromoney's Expert Guides, MIP’s IP Stars Handbook, The Legal 500 Canada, The Best Lawyers in Canada, and Benchmark Canada as a "Litigation Star". He is a Fellow of IPIC; member of the International Trademark Association; Chair of the INTA Enforcement Committee. BASc (Mechanical Engineering); LLB (Osgoode). Registered Patent and Trademark Agent. Called to the Ontario Bar in 1999.
Philip Lapin Smart & BiggarTel: (613) 232-2536 • E-mail: Philip Lapin, one of Canada's leading trademark lawyers, is a Principal in Smart & Biggar's Ottawa office. With more than 25 years of experience, Philip manages trademark portfolios and provides strategic advice for many Canadian and multinational corporations. He has handled the clearance, prosecution and registration of thousands of trademarks, and has particular expertise in trademark opposition and cancelation proceedings before the Trademarks Office. In addition to being annually recognized by Lexpert, Philip is consistently listed as a Trademark expert in The Best Lawyers in Canada, World Trademark Review 1000, Euromoney's Expert Guides: Guide to the World's Leading Trademark Law Practitioners, Who's Who Legal, WIPR Leaders, and Managing Intellectual Property’s IP Stars: Trademarks. Philip is a frequent speaker and author on a wide variety of trademark-related topics, including the "Canada" section of the INTA Country Guides, a Fellow of IPIC, a member of the Professional Development Committee for INTA, and former member of the Canadian Trademark Agent Examination Board, 2010–2013 terms. BSc Hons (Computer Science); BCL/LLB. Registered Patent and Trademark Agent. Called to the Ontario Bar in 1995.
Jason Hynes Smart & BiggarTel: (519) 783-3214 • Fax: (519) 783-3211 • E-mail: As a lawyer, patent agent, and trademark agent, Jason Hynes provides practical business focused advice to his clients on all aspects of IP, with a particular focus on strategic patent filings and global enforcement for small and medium sized entities. He also advises on trademark matters and licensing issues. Jason completed his mechanical engineering degree at the University of Waterloo, worked in mechanical design in the automotive sector and subsequently in electronics manufacturing. Jason is an Adjunct Professor at Western University in the Faculty of Law where he regularly teaches courses on Advanced Intellectual Property and Advanced Patent Law. He has won several teaching awards in this role. Jason has served on various advisory committees in the intellectual property field, including on the board of directors of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), and on the Registration Committee for the College of Patent and Trademark Agents (CPATA). He is currently serving on the Executive Committee of IPIC as Vice-President. He has been listed in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory as a Consistently Recommended practitioner and was named a 2019 Lexpert Rising Star.
Matthew Zischka Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 595-2767 • E-mail: Matthew Zischka is the Managing Director of Smart & Biggar. He leverages nearly 30 years of patent prosecution, licensing, and litigation experience with deep industry knowledge to commercialize and protect intellectual property. Matthew is adept at counseling and guiding electrical, electronics, software, and mechanical clients through complex IP challenges. He provides legal opinions and advice on transactions, licensing, assertions of patent infringement, and interpretation of commercial contracts and agreements. He is known for his attention to detail, technical knowledge, and understanding of industry changes. Clients and colleagues note him to be an “excellent” lawyer and “a great ambassador for the profession.” He often lectures on intellectual property law topics and is a former Course Director for the McGill/IPIC Patents Course. In addition to being annually recognized by Lexpert, Matthew is consistently listed as an expert in Canadian intellectual property law and patent law in various national and international surveys, including The Best Lawyers in Canada, IAM Global Leaders, IAM Patent 1000, The Legal 500, Who’s Who Legal, World IP Review Leaders, and Managing Intellectual Property’s IP Stars Handbook: Patents.
Jason C. Markwell Markwell Clarizio LLPTel: (416) 451-8400 • E-mail: Jason Markwell is a leading patent litigator in Canada. He represents clients in a wide range of industries, including life sciences, technology, financial services, manufacturing, mining and energy. He is well known for his work on behalf of innovative pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in patent and regulatory disputes. He has appeared as counsel before the Supreme Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Federal Court, and the Ontario Superior Court of Justice in a number of high-stakes and precedent-setting decisions. Jason has been recognized as a leading intellectual property lawyer by Lexpert, Chambers & Partners, IAM Patent 1000, The Best Lawyers Canada, Who’s Who Legal, Lexpert ALM 500 Directory, IP Stars, Martindale-Hubbell, Benchmark Litigation (IP Litigator of the Year, 2017), Managing Intellectual Property (Outstanding IP Practitioner – Canada, 2019), LMG Life Sciences (Lawyer of the Year, 2018, Patent Litigation). Jason is active in various intellectual property organizations, including the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) and the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI). Jason is a Senior Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America and is a member of The Advocates’ Society.
Catherine Lovrics Marks & Clerk CanadaTel: (416) 849-8396 • Fax: (416) 595-1155 • E-mail: Catherine (Cat) Lovrics is a Partner at Marks & Clerk Canada, and Head of the Trademark and Copyright practice groups. Cat’s practice focuses on trademarks, copyright, personality and publicity rights, marketing and advertising law, consumer protection and data and privacy law. Cat helps national and multinational clients protect, exploit and enforce their IP in a wide range of industries, from creative and tech to fashion and food. She manages large international trademark portfolios and has coordinated global clearance, filing, enforcement, and anti-counterfeiting programs. She advises on brand protection and management, including with respect to brand collaborations, endorsement and influencer deals, merchandising, licensing and enforcement. Cat is valued for her unique breadth and depth of expertise, and when advising clients, she considers not only the nuances of trademark law, but also relevant copyright, marketing and advertising, and regulatory factors. Cat is active in the legal community. For example, she is currently on the Board of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC), is a sub-committee chair and member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and serves on the Ad Standards Council presiding over consumer advertising complaints in Canada.
Mark Evans Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 595-2777 • E-mail: Mark Evans, a Principal in Smart & Biggar’s Toronto office, is widely recognized as one of Canada’s leading trademark lawyers and a highly respected litigator. He has significant experience in all aspects of trademark law including trademark and trade-dress litigation, brand selection and clearance, trademark prosecution, oppositions and cancelations and licensing and merchandising. Mark has been successful in numerous high-profile, precedent setting cases and has twice been selected as Trademark Litigator of the Year by Benchmark Canada. Most recently, he was named Canada’s Outstanding Trademark Practitioner by Managing IP and Global Elite Thought Leader in Trademarks by Who’s Who Legal. Mark is listed annually in The Lexpert ALM 500 Directory, Expert Guides, The Best Lawyers in Canada, Chambers Global, Who’s Who Legal: Canada, WTR 1000, The Legal 500 Canada and MIP’s IP Stars Handbook: Trademark & Copyright. Surveys, clients and colleagues describe him as "the best bar none” and “the ‘go-to’ lawyer” for trademark law. He has written extensively on IP law, is a frequent speaker and has taught at Osgoode Hall Law School. Fellow of IPIC. Member of INTA. BSc; LLB. Registered Patent and Trademark Agent. Called to the Ontario Bar in 1986.
Noel A. Courage Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 957-1655 • Fax: (416) 361-1398 • E-mail: Noel Courage is a US and Canadian patent agent and a Canadian lawyer. Noel focuses his practice on IP agreements and protecting new inventions with patents. His practice involves work with many start-up companies, assisting them with their IP strategy and global filings for patents and designs. He also handles complex IP agreements such as collaborative R&D agreements and licences. Noel is a Co-Chair of the Intellectual Property Courses Committee which manages intensive summer IP courses delivered jointly by McGill University School of Continuing Studies and the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC). He has also lectured at meetings of the US and Canadian law associations. Noel has authored many articles on IP law and technology.
Jonathan G. Colombo Marks & Clerk CanadaTel: (416) 849-8361 • Fax: (416) 595-1155 • E-mail: Jonathan Colombo is the Managing Partner of Marks & Clerk Canada and one of Canada’s leading trademark litigators. His practice spans 30 years and covers all areas of trademark and copyright law, with a focus on advisory and contentious matters, including oppositions, litigation and advertising disputes. Jonathan has represented many well-known brands in litigation, including McDonald’s (first trial decision involving “reverse confusion”), CarGurus (first reported copyright decision on the “information location tool” [i.e., search engine] defence and “making available” right), Hilton (first case to expand the meaning of “hotel services” to include prepaid hotel reservation services, rather than a “bricks and mortar” hotel), Staples/Business Depot (interim and interlocutory injunction granted against Office Depot), QAD (summary judgment and permanent injunction granted by the Federal Court of Appeal), Gap (case settled six weeks before trial, with defendant re-branding), Estée Lauder (successful appeal of a cancellation proceeding based on new evidence), and Glassdoor (successful stay of a Norwich disclosure order pending appeal). Jonathan is a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) and a past member of the Canadian Trademark Agents Board of Examiners.
Dino P. Clarizio Markwell Clarizio LLPTel: (416) 844-8245 • E-mail: Partner. Registered Patent and Trademark Agent in Canada and Registered Patent Agent in the US. Practice focuses on all intellectual property litigation, particularly patent litigation and patent prosecution. Has appeared in the trial and appeal levels of the Federal Court and in the Supreme Court of Canada in cases ranging from pharmaceutical products to construction toys to washing machine agitators. Advises clients on pre-litigation issues such as providing freedom-to-operate, infringement, and validity opinions. Cases have involved issues including anticipation, obviousness, utility, infringement, the doctrine of functionality in trademark law, survey evidence, and copyright infringement. Has a patent prosecution practice with an emphasis on patenting in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. Recognized as a leading IP lawyer by Lexpert, Euromoney, and Chambers, and in The Legal 500 Canada, Best Lawyers in Canada, Who’s Who Legal Canada, IAM Patent 1000, and Managing Intellectual Property’s IP Stars for patents. Co-author of two of the leading patent textbooks in Canada. Frequent author and speaker on IP law. Member of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, The Advocates’ Society, Canadian Bar Association, and American Intellectual Property Law Association.
Isi E. Caulder Smart & BiggarTel: (416) 957-1680 • Fax: (416) 361-1398 • E-mail: Isi Caulder leverages 20 years of patent prosecution experience and deep industry knowledge to guide technology companies through the process of strategically developing, managing and monetizing their IP rights in North America and worldwide. Clients and colleagues note her to be “a friendly, professional and patient lawyer” who is “very responsive and has great communication skills”. Isi is a dedicated supporter of the Toronto technology and legal community with a passion for helping high tech startups and entrepreneurs develop an effective IP strategy and portfolio. Currently, she is an “Entrepreneur Mentor in Residence” at The Entrepreneurship Hatchery at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Toronto (UofT), a Board Member on the UofT’s Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) Industry Board, and serves on the Leadership Team for the ChIPs Toronto Chapter. Isi is actively engaged with international IP associations that shape the profession. She is Co-Chair of the International Committee on the American Intellectual Property Association’s (AIPLA) Professional Programs Committee, Vice-Chair of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada’s (IPIC) Annual Conference Committee.
Christian Bolduc Smart & BiggarTel: (514) 954-3530 • Fax: (514) 954-1396 • E-mail: Christian Bolduc is a Principal in Smart & Biggar’s Montreal office. With 30 years of experience across all stages of the trademark life cycle, Christian is passionate about helping clients generate ROI and value from strategically-developed IP assets. Christian’s trademark practice consists primarily of procurement, oppositions and cancellation proceedings, management, strategic counseling and enforcement. He routinely prepares and prosecutes trademark applications and prepares opinions on availability, registrability, validity and infringement. Christian has been listed in The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, The Best Lawyers in Canada, Euromoney's Expert Guides, World Trademark Review 1000, Who's Who Legal: Trademarks and Who's Who Legal: Canada. He is a Fellow of IPIC; past Chair of the International Trademark Issues Committee. Member of INTA (Co-Chair of the North American Global Advisory Council). BSc (Microbiology); MSc (Microbiology/Immunology); LLB. Registered Trademark Agent. Called to the Quebec Bar in 1994.
Paula Clancy, Gowling WLG Monique M. Couture, Gowling WLG Barry Fong, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Christopher C. Van Barr, Gowling WLG
International Trade Regulation leading lawyers
Sabrina A. Bandali, Bennett Jones LLP John W. Boscariol, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Jesse I. Goldman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Martha Harrison, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Greg Kanargelidis, Kanargelidis Global Trade & Customs Law Matthew Kronby, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Paul M. Lalonde, Dentons Canada LLP Darrel H. Pearson, Bennett Jones LLP
Benjamin P. Bedard, Conlin Bedard LLP Christopher Cochlin, Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP Paul D. Conlin, Conlin Bedard LLP Christopher Kent, Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP Andrew Lanouette, Cassidy Levy Kent (Canada) LLP Jonathan O'Hara, McMillan LLP Gregory A. Tereposky, Tereposky & DeRose LLP
Investment Funds & Asset Management leading lawyers
Andrew W. Aziz, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Sarbjit S. Basra, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
John Adair Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPTel: (416) 573-1779 • Fax: (647) 689-2059 • E-mail: John’s practice is focused on commercial litigation with an emphasis on partnership, contractual, and estates disputes. John also regularly represents clients in directors’ and officers’ liability claims, enforcement of foreign judgments, and professional liability matters. John has a robust appellate practice, having appeared at the Court of Appeal for Ontario on over 40 appeals and before the Supreme Court of Canada on multiple occasions. For his excellence in litigation, John is consistently recognized as a leading litigator by his peers and leading publications. John is regularly invited to speak at conferences and conduct advocacy demonstrations. He has authored of numerous articles related to litigation issues, for which he has won awards. John is a former co-chair of The Advocates’ Society Commercial Litigation Practice Group. John is an engaged alumnus of the University of Toronto Faculty of Law, where he is invested in developing and supporting new lawyers. He has served as an instructor of Trial Advocacy, mentored students through the Alumni-Student Mentorship Program, and is presently an Adjunct Professor of Access to Justice and the Legal Process.
Litigation - Corporate Commercial leading lawyers
Sarah Armstrong, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Edward J. Babin, Babin Bessner Spry LLP Michael E. Barrack, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Sandra L. Barton, Gowling WLG Sarit E. Batner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Wendy Berman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Andrew E. Bernstein, Torys LLP Ian Binnie, CC, KC, Lenczner Slaght Sheila R. Block, Torys LLP Eric Block, Ross Nasseri LLP Chantelle Cseh, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Tom Curry, Lenczner Slaght Andrew Faith, Polley Faith LLP Emily Y. Fan, Lerners LLP Sandra A. Forbes, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Peter Griffin, KC, Lenczner Slaght Geoff R. Hall, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Monique Jilesen, Lenczner Slaght Katherine L. Kay, Stikeman Elliott LLP Brian Kolenda, Lenczner Slaght Eliot N. Kolers, Stikeman Elliott LLP Eli S. Lederman, Lenczner Slaght Matthew Milne-Smith, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Brendan F. Morrison, Lenczner Slaght Justin Nasseri, Ross Nasseri LLP Daniel Naymark, Naymark Law Jeremy Opolsky, Torys LLP Erin Pleet, Ross Nasseri LLP Linda M. Plumpton, Torys LLP Cynthia Spry, Babin Bessner Spry LLP R. Paul Steep, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Kent E. Thomson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Paul-Erik Veel, Lenczner Slaght
Bernard Amyot, AdE, LCM Attorneys Inc. William Brock, AdE, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Marc-André Coulombe, Stikeman Elliott LLP François M. Giroux, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Jean-Philippe Groleau, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Yves Martineau, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sophie Melchers, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Éric Mongeau, Stikeman Elliott LLP Louis-Martin O'Neill, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Mason Poplaw, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Éric Préfontaine, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Rahool Agarwal Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPTel: (416) 645-1787 • Fax: (416) 598-3730 • E-mail: Rahool acts for both plaintiffs and defendants on complex commercial and civil litigation. His experience includes class actions, contractual disputes, franchise litigation, shareholder disputes, contested corporate transactions, directors' and officers' liability and complex fraud cases. He is frequently engaged in time-sensitive matters and has extensive experience bringing and defending urgent court proceedings. Rahool has also acted in a broad range of constitutional and public law matters, including cases involving the constitutionality of a safe injection site, the application of state immunity to claims of torture, and the discretion of physicians to unilaterally withdraw life support. He has appeared in trial and appellate courts in Ontario, BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec, and in six cases in the Supreme Court of Canada. He is an active member of the South Asian Bar Association and The Advocates’ Society. He is a regular speaker at professional development programs related to substantive law, legal ethics & practice, and equity, diversity and inclusion. He was previously a member of The Advocates’ Society’s 10+ Committee, the coach of the Lakehead University Wilson Moot team, and a member of the board of directors of the South Asian Legal Clinic (Ontario).
Guy J. Pratte Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (416) 700-6265 • Fax: (416) 367-6749 • E-mail: Guy focuses his practice on complex litigation including commercial law, class actions, administrative law, and constitutional law. Fully bilingual and called to the Bars of Ontario and Quebec, Guy has appeared in the Supreme Court of Canada in approximately 25 cases, and is likely if not the only counsel in Canada that regularly argues cases involving civil law and common law matters. Guy pleads regularly in the Superior and Appeal Courts of Ontario and Quebec, as well as the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, former president of The Advocates' Society, and a director of the Supreme Court of Canada Advocacy Institute. He taught courses focused on the Supreme Court of Canada at the University of Toronto as an adjunct professor. He is a recipient of the Law Society of Ontario medal and of the Ontario Bar Association Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation. He is also highly recognized in various industry directories, including Chambers Global (Dispute Resolution), The Best Lawyers in Canada, and Who's Who Legal. Guy was named Advocatus Emeritus by the Quebec Bar for "outstanding contributions to the legal profession." Guy has held several management positions at BLG and is currently Chair Emeritus of BLG.
Jordan Goldblatt Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPTel: (416) 920-9777 • Fax: (416) 689-2059 • E-mail: Jordan is the managing partner of Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP. He represents licensed professionals, professional associations, insurance companies, and both private and public corporations across issues spanning general commercial, tort, professional responsibility, administrative and public law litigation. Jordan is consistently recognized for his advocacy by his peers and prominent publications, including Lexpert, Benchmark Litigation, and Best Lawyers. These accolades span various practice areas, including general commercial, insolvency, product liability, professional responsibility, administrative, and public law litigation. Jordan is a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, an invite-only trial advocacy society comprising less than one-half of one percent of American lawyers. Jordan has presented at various conferences organized by the Law Society of Ontario, The Advocates' Society, the Canadian Bar Association, and the Ontario Bar Association. Jordan has taught trial advocacy at Osgoode Hall’s Intensive Trial Advocacy Workshop. Prior to co-founding Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLP, Jordan practised at Lenczner Slaght LLP and Goldblatt Partners LLP.
Carlo Di Carlo Stockwoods LLPTel: (416) 593-2485 • E-mail: Carlo Di Carlo's practice covers various areas of corporate, commercial and regulatory, litigation. He routinely is involved in matters dealing with director/officer liability, shareholder disputes, oppression remedy cases, and contractual disputes. He has particular experience dealing with securities law issues. He has appeared before the Ontario Securities Commission on several occasions, both representing OSC staff and respondents. This is in addition to his representation of clients that are the subject of s. 11 investigations by the OSC. He also has represented a number of defendants in class actions dealing with issues such as an officer’s breach of duty and shareholder misrepresentation claims. He has been named one of the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada (Lexpert) and one of the top litigators in Canada under 40 (Benchmark Litigation). Who’s Who Legal recognized him from 2020 to 2023. He has published on a number of topics, including contributing a chapter on class actions to the text Digital Privacy: Criminal, Civil and Regulatory Litigation and to The Advocates’ Quarterly where he has published articles dealing with the scope of privilege in the context of internal investigations and materiality in shareholder class actions.
Nadia Campion Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPTel: (416) 642-3134 • Fax: (416) 598-3730 • E-mail: Nadia's practice focuses on complex commercial litigation including shareholder oppression applications, D&O liability, estates matters, class actions and professional liability. Nadia also has an active land development and real estate litigation practice. She has extensive trial experience and appears regularly before the Superior Court of Justice, Ontario Court of Appeal, and various regulatory and administration tribunals. She has expertise in Toronto Commercial List proceedings and in arbitration and mediation processes. With both US and Canadian law degrees, and being fluent and practising in French, Nadia is capable of dealing with any case that comes across her desk. Nadia has been recognized by The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, Best Lawyers, and in Chambers Canada for Commercial Litigation. She has been recognized by Benchmark Litigation as one of their Litigation Stars, among Canada's Top 100 Women in Litigation, and on the 40 and Under List. Nadia is a frequent speaker, writer, and commentator for the Law Society of Ontario, the Ontario Bar Association, The Advocates’ Society, and the Cambridge Forum on Class Actions. She is also one of four members of the Class Proceedings Committee, which is part of the Law Foundation.
James (Jim) Bunting Tyr LLPTel: (647) 519-6607 • Fax: (416) 987-2370 • E-mail: James is a preeminent litigator and trial lawyer. He has led landmark trials and arbitrations both internationally and within Canada, and is repeatedly recognized as one of Canada's leading litigators. James has deep experience in a wide range of areas, including high-stakes commercial disputes, appeals, class actions, competition claims, constitutional challenges, infrastructure disputes and sport-related litigation. James believes deeply in giving back to the community. He was awarded the 2016 Lexpert Zenith Award for Diversity & Inclusion to recognize his pro bono work with global athletes. He also served as Athlete Ombudsperson to the Canadian Olympic Committee during the Olympic Games in Rio and has served on several not-for-profit boards.
Ren Bucholz Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPTel: (416) 646-6303 • E-mail: A partner at Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP, Ren’s trial and appellate practice spans complex disputes that often involve intellectual property, defamation, new technologies, and competition law. He regularly acts in cross-border disputes involving public and private companies, and his broad advocacy experience includes dozens of trials, appeals, international and domestic arbitrations, coroner's inquests, administrative tribunal hearings, and internal investigations. Ren both prosecutes and defends class actions. Ren spent several years representing a non-governmental organization at a specialized agency of the United Nations based in Geneva, and served as a Google Policy Fellow while completing graduate work on competition law, technology standards and intellectual property. In 2018, Ren was recognized for Precedent Setter Award by Precedent Magazine and in 2020, he was recognized by Lexpert Rising Stars: Leading Lawyers Under 40.
Hilary Book Book Erskine LLPTel: (416) 613-9161 • E-mail: Hilary Book represents clients in a wide variety of commercial litigation matters, including shareholder disputes, commercial real estate litigation and professional negligence. She has a particular interest in fraud cases, and has experience dealing with forensic accounting issues, orders freezing assets and serious civil contempt. Book’s clients conduct business in multiple jurisdictions, and she has worked with counsel across borders to develop and implement unified litigation and business strategies. She has appeared as lead counsel at trials, motions and applications in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, as well as on motions and appeals to the Ontario Court of Appeal. Book is a Director of The Advocates' Society and is a frequent speaker and skills instructor on a variety of civil litigation topics.
Simon Bieber Adair Goldblatt Bieber LLPTel: (416) 351-2781 • Fax: (416) 689-2059 • E-mail: Simon's practice focuses on commercial and corporate litigation, directors’ and officers’ liability, securities litigation, class actions, and professional negligence. He represents a broad range of clients, including various regulated professionals, directors and officers, oppressed shareholders, and public and private companies. Simon appears regularly at all levels of court in Ontario and Canada-wide, as well as administrative tribunals in Ontario, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba regulating securities and capital markets, accountants, and lawyers. Simon also regularly mediates and arbitrates commercial matters. Simon’s excellence in advocacy is consistently recognized by his peers and leading legal publications, and in 2019 was invited to become a Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America, an honour extended to less than one-half of one percent of North American lawyers, recognizing excellence in trial advocacy. Simon is on the Board of the Directors of The Advocates’ Society, a Member of the Securities Proceedings Advisory Committee of the Ontario Securities Commission, and is regularly invited to present at legal seminars and conferences. Simon is the co-author of a text published by LexisNexis titled Directors’ and Officers’ Liability in Canada.
Douglas C. Mitchell IMK s.e.n.c.r.l./LLPTel: (514) 935-2725 • Fax: (514) 935-2999 • E-mail: Doug acts as lead counsel in complex cases, advises clients on challenging issues, and plays key roles in crisis management to avoid or settle disputes. His unique skills have earned him the respect of all levels of court before which he has appeared. He has acted for the former Chief Justice of Quebec and Inquiry Committees of the Canadian Judicial Council and has argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court of Canada. He has also been appointed as amicus curiae in both the Quebec Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. Doug's clients include large and small companies, individuals, and public institutions. His areas of expertise span civil and commercial litigation, as well as constitutional and administrative law. He also regularly acts as an arbitrator in a wide range of cases. Recognized by his peers and legal rankings alike, he has received numerous awards and distinctions from Lexpert, Chambers Global, and The Best Lawyers in Canada. A Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and a member of the Board of Directors of The Advocates' Society, he received the distinction of Advocatus Emeritus from the Quebec Bar in 2023.
Tracey M. Cohen, KC, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Geoffrey Cowper, KC, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Michael A. Feder, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Claire Hunter, KC, Hunter Litigation Chambers Irwin G. Nathanson, KC, Nathanson, Schachter & Thompson LLP
Crawford G. Smith Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPTel: (416) 598-8648 • Fax: (416) 598-3730 • E-mail: Crawford's litigation practice focuses on complex corporate and commercial matters, competition and insurance litigation, and administrative law, with substantial class action expertise. Crawford has appeared as counsel in all levels of court in Ontario, in the Supreme Court of Canada, in the Federal Court, in commercial arbitrations, and before a variety of administrative tribunals including the Ontario Energy Board, the Ontario Securities Commission, the Competition Tribunal, and the Environmental Review Tribunal. Crawford's energy practice involves economic issues in multi-party litigation and frequent appearances as counsel before the Energy Board at hearings regarding rate regulation, infrastructure development, and demand-side management. His securities practice includes acting as counsel for investment dealers, mutual fund dealers, registered representatives, and other securities industry participants. He also handles regulatory proceedings and investigations by the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada and the Ontario Securities Commission. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers.
Linda R. Rothstein, LSM Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLPTel: (416) 646-4327 • Fax: (416) 646-4301 • E-mail: Linda Rothstein is a senior partner at Paliare Roland Rosenberg Rothstein LLP. She is best known for probing cross-examinations, strategic advice and behind-the-scenes counsel work on high-stakes cases. She practises in civil & administrative litigation with expertise in class actions, commercial litigation, professional liability & misconduct, public law, employment & human rights, and judicial review & appeals. Her high-profile work as Commission counsel to the Inquiry into Pediatric Forensic Pathology and lead counsel to the Motherisk Hair Analysis Review has cemented her reputation as one of Ontario’s leading advocates. Linda was given OBA's Award of Excellence in Civil Litigation in 2018 and is ranked by Chambers as "a top litigator." She is recognized in the Lexpert Special Edition — Litigation 2019 and The Best Lawyers in Canada since 2006. She was awarded the Law Society Medal by the LSO, the Award of Distinction from the Toronto Lawyers Association, the Lexpert Zenith Award in 2013 and the University of Toronto Distinguished Alumnus Award in 2014. In 2021, Linda was the recipient of The Advocates' Society Medal and has been named one of the Top 25 Women in Litigation and one of the Top 50 Trial Lawyers in Canada by Benchmark Litigation.
Jonathan C. Lisus Lax O'Sullivan Lisus Gottlieb LLPTel: (416) 598-7873 • Fax: (416) 598-3730 • E-mail: Jonathan’s practice focuses on commercial and public law trial and appellate litigation. He has deep experience with infrastructure and P3-related litigation, class actions for plaintiffs and defendants, product liability, oppression remedies, Aboriginal land claims and securities litigation. He appears as counsel in courts and arbitral tribunals across the country and the Supreme Court of Canada. Jonathan regularly appears as Special Counsel to the Canadian Civil Liberties Association in challenges to government action. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, the International Academy of Trial Lawyers, a member of the Chief Justice of Ontario's Advisory Committee on Professionalism, and a member of the Supreme Court Advocacy Institute. Described by his peers as "the gold standard in this space, a phenomenal litigator", for more than thirty years Jonathan has won landmark decisions across a broad variety of subject matter including competition law, constitutional law, liability of public authorities, professional liability, criminal law, financial services, franchise law, and contract disputes. He has tried over 90 cases to judgment and argued over 55 appeals in provincial appellate courts and the Supreme Court of Canada.
Paul H. Le Vay Stockwoods LLPTel: (416) 593-2493 • Fax: (416) 593-9345 • E-mail: Paul Le Vay's practice includes corporate commercial litigation, securities litigation, class actions, professional liability, claims against directors and officers, employment litigation, and professional regulation. He conducts internal investigations and advises corporations and their boards on them. He has been a fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and of the International Academy of Trial Lawyers; international member of The Commercial Bar Association (UK); former trustee of the Law Foundation of Ontario; past president of l'Association des juristes d’expression française de l’Ontario; past director of The Advocates’ Society; and frequent speaker and author in his areas of practice. Being bilingual, he argues cases in English and French before all levels of court, as well as tribunals, including the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC). He is ranked by Chambers Global and listed in The Best Lawyers in Canada and Benchmark Canada in his principal areas of practice.
J. Kenneth McEwan, KC McEwan PartnersTel: (604) 283-7988 • Fax: (778) 300-9393 • E-mail: Ken McEwan is the managing partner of McEwan Partners, founded in 2017. Ken practises as general counsel focusing on complex corporate-commercial litigation, class action litigation, commercial arbitration and administrative law at the trial and appellate levels, including the Supreme Court of Canada. Since 2017 Ken has been recognized as one of the top 50 trial lawyers in Canada. For many years Ken has been named in Lexpert US/Canada Cross-Border Guide — Litigation, as well as in The Lexpert/American Lawyer Guide to the Leading 500 Lawyers in Canada. He is rated by Lexpert as Most Frequently Recommended in Corporate Commercial Litigation, and is recognized in Directors' & Officers' Liability, and Securities Litigation. Benchmark Canada recognized Ken as 2022 Canadian Trial Lawyer of the Year, having recognized him in seven of eight preceding years as British Columbia Litigator of the Year. Lexology Who's Who ranked Ken as a Thought Leader in Commercial Litigation in Canada — one of only 27 lawyers recognized across the country, and the only lawyer from BC. Ken is the author of the fourth edition of Sopinka on the Trial of an Action, a leading text on trial practice, including jury trials, published in 2020. Ken also acts as both arbitrator and mediator of commercial disputes.
Craig A.B. Ferris, KC, FCIArb Lawson Lundell LLPTel: (604) 631-9197 • Fax: (604) 641-2818 • E-mail: Craig acts for clients in commercial and business disputes. He has acted for many of BC’s largest corporations, as well as for entrepreneurs, and is regularly retained by law firms in other parts of Canada and the US. His areas of specialization include shareholder remedies, trust, pension and fiduciary disputes, securities and transactional litigation, product liability, mining disputes, class proceedings, and real estate litigation. He also acts as lead counsel in the defence of major class proceedings. Craig has appeared at all levels of court in BC as well as at the Supreme Court of Canada. He is an experienced appellate counsel. Craig also acts in international and domestic arbitrations. Craig is recognized by The Best Lawyers in Canada, Benchmark Litigation, Legal 500 Canada, Chambers Canada, and Chambers Global. He was named 2024 'Lawyer of the Year' for Director and Officer Liability Practice (Vancouver) by The Best Lawyers in Canada, one of the "Top 50 Trial Lawyers in Canada" by Benchmark Litigation for the past four years, one of Canadian Lawyer's Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in Canada in 2021, and is Fellow of the Litigation Counsel of America and the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. He is a Bencher and former President of the Law Society of British Columbia.
Craig P. Dennis, KC Dennis James Aitken LLPTel: (604) 659-9480 • E-mail: Craig is a partner in Dennis James Aitken LLP in Vancouver. Craig brings over 30 years of experience in significant litigation matters at the trial and appellate levels. Craig’s practice has a business focus with an emphasis on effective resolution of complex commercial disputes. Craig regularly appears before the superior courts in British Columbia, and he also has appeared before courts in Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador, as well as in Federal Court and the Supreme Court of Canada. Industry publications, including Lexpert and Chambers, consistently recognize Craig as leading counsel in the area of Corporate and Commercial Litigation and Dispute Resolution, with additional recognition in the areas of Class Actions and Product Liability. Benchmark Litigation Canada has also recognized Craig as BC's Litigator of the Year, 2024. Craig is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, the International Society of Barristers, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and Litigation Counsel of America. Craig is a frequent speaker and contributor to legal education and is a former law clerk at the Supreme Court of Canada for the Right Hon. Beverley McLachlin (then puisne justice).
David C. Bishop, Gowling WLG Bryan Duguid, KC, FCIArb, Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP Carsten Jensen, KC, FCIArb, Jensen Shawa Solomon Duguid Hawkes LLP Maureen E. Killoran, KC, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Matthew Lindsay, Rose LLP Perry R. Mack, KC, Peacock Linder Halt & Mack LLP Munaf Mohamed, KC, Bennett Jones LLP Jeffrey E. Sharpe, Burnet, Duckworth & Palmer LLP David Tupper, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Blair C. Yorke-Slader, KC, Bennett Jones LLP
Matthew G. Williams Thorsteinssons LLPTel: (416) 864-9104 • Fax: (416) 864-1106 • E-mail: Matthew Williams has a practice that focuses on all aspects of taxpayer representation. He has appeared before the Tax Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Canada, the Federal Court of Appeal, the Ontario Superior Court, the Ontario Court of Appeal, and the Supreme Court of Canada on a wide range of issues. He has been recognized by Lexpert as a Most Frequently Recommended Corporate Tax Litigator and was included in the 2021 Lexpert Special Edition: Canada's Leading Litigation Lawyers. He has been recognized as a leading tax dispute resolution lawyer in the International Tax Review, named among The Best Lawyers in Canada by Best Lawyers International (including being named Lawyer of the Year 2022 for Tax Law in Toronto, Ontario), is peer rated by Martindale-Hubbell as a “preeminent lawyer,” and is ranked by Chambers Canada and Chambers Global.
Litigation - Corporate Tax leading lawyers
Edwin G. Kroft, KC, Bennett Jones LLP Martha MacDonald, Torys LLP Al Meghji, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Pooja Mihailovich, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP
Edwin G. Kroft, KC, Bennett Jones LLP
Dominic C. Belley, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Guy Du Pont, AdE, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Litigation - Directors' & Officers' Liability leading lawyers
Sarit E. Batner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Sheila R. Block, Torys LLP Alistair Crawley, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Tom Curry, Lenczner Slaght Linda L. Fuerst, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Peter Griffin, KC, Lenczner Slaght Monique Jilesen, Lenczner Slaght Eliot N. Kolers, Stikeman Elliott LLP Melissa J. MacKewn, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Linda M. Plumpton, Torys LLP R. Paul Steep, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Kent E. Thomson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
François Guay Smart & BiggarTel: (514) 954-3531 • E-mail: François Guay is a Principal in Smart & Biggar's Montreal office. He is among the most experienced and successful IP litigators in Canada and a highly sought-after advisor to the largest, most innovative companies in the world. His clients entrust their most complex and contentious IP issues to him, in view of his proven track record of building effective litigation strategies and preparing highly persuasive arguments to be presented in court. Having practiced exclusively in IP litigation for over three decades, François has argued many cases that have resulted in leading jurisprudence in the fields of patents, trademarks, industrial designs, copyright, unfair competition, trade secrets and computer related technology. François also has a vast amount of experience with extraordinary recourses such as interim or interlocutory injunctions, seizures before judgment, and anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy matters. He has appeared before the Courts of Quebec and the Federal Court of Canada, and hundreds of the cases he has been involved in have been reported in Canada. He has been named “IP Lawyer of the Year” for Montreal by Best Lawyers and twice recognized as “Trademark Litigator of the Year” by Benchmark Canada. Registered Trademark Agent. LLL. Called to the Quebec Bar in 1982.
Litigation - Intellectual Property leading lawyers
Andrew E. Bernstein, Torys LLP Andrew Brodkin, Goodmans LLP Sana Halwani, Lenczner Slaght Harry B. Radomski, Goodmans LLP Peter R. Wilcox, Belmore Neidrauer LLP
Christopher C. Van Barr, Gowling WLG
Bob H. Sotiriadis, ROBIC
David Di Paolo Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG)Tel: (416) 367-6108 • Fax: (416) 367-6749 • E-mail: David is the National Group Head of BLG’s Disputes Group and a leading commercial litigator who specializes in securities litigation, class actions and shareholder disputes. David regularly acts for market participants in defending securities class actions, as well as securities regulatory investigations and proceedings. His class action practice is broad and includes securities, commercial, and employment class actions defence work. David has appeared before all levels of court including the Ontario Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court of Canada. David has also appeared before securities regulatory tribunals such as the Ontario Securities Commission, Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada, Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada, and other securities industry regulatory bodies across Canada. David also acts in all manner of commercial litigation including shareholder disputes, oppression remedy proceedings, and general corporate and commercial litigation. He is recognized since 2019 in Chambers Canada, as well as in Benchmark Canada and The Best Lawyers in Canada. He was called to the Ontario Bar in 1998.
Litigation - Securities leading lawyers
Wendy Berman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Robert J. Brush, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Alistair Crawley, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Chantelle Cseh, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Tom Curry, Lenczner Slaght Gillian B. Dingle, Torys LLP John Fabello, Torys LLP Linda L. Fuerst, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Peter Griffin, KC, Lenczner Slaght Lara Jackson, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Eliot N. Kolers, Stikeman Elliott LLP Melissa J. MacKewn, Crawley MacKewn Brush LLP Linda M. Plumpton, Torys LLP Lawrence E. Ritchie, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP R. Paul Steep, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Kent E. Thomson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Janice L. Wright, Wright Temelini LLP
Stéphanie Lapierre, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sophie Melchers, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP
Mergers & Acquisitions leading lawyers
Aaron Atkinson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Joel E. Binder, Stikeman Elliott LLP William J. Braithwaite, Stikeman Elliott LLP John J. Ciardullo, Stikeman Elliott LLP John E. Emanoilidis, Torys LLP Shlomi Feiner, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Jonathan A. Feldman, Goodmans LLP Jeremy D. Fraiberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Michael Gans, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Stephen H. Halperin, Goodmans LLP Samantha G. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Dale H. Lastman, CM, OOnt, Goodmans LLP Jeffrey R. Lloyd, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Neill I. May, Goodmans LLP Vincent A. Mercier, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP J. Alexander Moore, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Patricia L. Olasker, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Karrin A. Powys-Lybbe, Torys LLP Emmanuel Pressman, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Brian M. Pukier, Stikeman Elliott LLP Jeffrey Singer, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sean Vanderpol, Stikeman Elliott LLP David E. Woollcombe, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Marcus W. Archer, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Ross Bentley, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Alyson F. Goldman, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Christopher W. Nixon, Stikeman Elliott LLP Craig A. Story, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Anne-Marie Naud, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Carl Tremblay, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Carl Bélanger, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Michel Boislard, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Patrick Boucher, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Philippe Bourassa, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Robert Carelli, Stikeman Elliott LLP Peter Castiel, Stikeman Elliott LLP Charles Chevrette, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Vanessa Coiteux, Stikeman Elliott LLP Shahir Guindi, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Sidney M. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Warren M. Katz, Stikeman Elliott LLP Stephen J. Kelly, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Sophie Lamonde, Stikeman Elliott LLP Pierre-Yves Leduc, Stikeman Elliott LLP John W. Leopold, Stikeman Elliott LLP Eric M. Levy, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP David Massé, Stikeman Elliott LLP Clemens Mayr, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Aniko Pelland, Stikeman Elliott LLP Paul Raymond, Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP Caitlin Rose, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Franziska Ruf, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Patrick M. Shea, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Steven R. McKoen, KC, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Bradley A. Newby, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Bob J. Wooder, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Khaled S. Abdel-Barr Lawson Lundell LLPTel: (604) 631-9233 • Fax: (604) 694-2934 • E-mail: Khaled practises mining law, providing legal support for mineral exploration activities and mine development and operations. He advises on acquisitions and dispositions of mines and mining projects both domestically and around the world, on mine financing, and on a broad range of mining-related matters, including the negotiation of earn-in, joint venture, strategic alliance, royalty and streaming agreements, and mineral title review. Khaled also practises corporate and commercial law more generally, advising clients on a broad range of transactions, both domestic and cross-border, and in many different industries, including share and asset acquisitions and divestitures, debt and equity financings, and corporate structuring and reorganizations. Khaled also advises clients in the energy sector, having significant experience dealing with contractual issues in connection with the purchase and sale of energy and other energy-related transactions. He is called to the Bars of British Columbia (1996), Nunavut (2012), Yukon (2016), and Northwest Territories (2016). Khaled is recognized for his mining expertise by Chambers Global, Who's Who Legal, Lexpert Special Edition — Leading Canadian Lawyers in Global Mining, The Legal 500 — Canada, and The Best Lawyers in Canada.
Mining leading lawyers
Chad Accursi, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Eva Bellissimo, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Mark T. Bennett, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Michael J. Bourassa, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Nancy Choi, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Jay Goldman, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Erik Goldsilver, Gowling WLG Brian Graves, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Ivan Grbesic, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sander Grieve, Bennett Jones LLP Jay C. Kellerman, Stikeman Elliott LLP Michael T. Pickersgill, Torys LLP Shea T. Small, McCarthy Tétrault LLP John S.M. Turner, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Charles Kazaz, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Frank Mariage, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Gordon R. Chambers, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Johanna Fipke, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Alan J. Hutchison, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Roger R. Taplin, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Jennifer Traub, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP Bob J. Wooder, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Private Equity leading lawyers
Gesta A. Abols, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Michael F.E. Akkawi, Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky and Popeo, P.C. Aaron Atkinson, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Patrick G. Barry, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Sarbjit S. Basra, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Geoffrey S. Belsher, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Guy Berman, Torys LLP Joel E. Binder, Stikeman Elliott LLP William J. Braithwaite, Stikeman Elliott LLP Matthew Cockburn, Torys LLP Jeremy D. Fraiberg, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP Michael Gans, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Samantha G. Horn, Stikeman Elliott LLP Kim Le, Stikeman Elliott LLP Shevaun McGrath, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Mario Nigro, Stikeman Elliott LLP Brian M. Pukier, Stikeman Elliott LLP Cameron M. Rusaw, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Jeffrey Singer, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sean Vanderpol, Stikeman Elliott LLP David Weinberger, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Michel Boislard, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Patrick Boucher, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Robert Carelli, Stikeman Elliott LLP Peter Castiel, Stikeman Elliott LLP Charles Chevrette, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Warren M. Katz, Stikeman Elliott LLP Sophie Lamonde, Stikeman Elliott LLP John W. Leopold, Stikeman Elliott LLP Caitlin Rose, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Franziska Ruf, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Patrick M. Shea, McCarthy Tétrault LLP
Arash Amouzgar, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP Cameron Belsher, KC, McCarthy Tétrault LLP John-Paul Bogden, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP
Craig A. Story, Stikeman Elliott LLP
Project Finance leading lawyers
Mark W.S. Bain, Torys LLP Gordon D. Baird, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Chris Bennett, Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP William Buchner, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP John C. Currie, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Catherine Doyle, McMillan LLP Aaron Fransen, Stikeman Elliott LLP Stephen Furlan, McCarthy Tétrault LLP Brian C. Kelsall, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP Scott Kraag, Torys LLP Carol D. Pennycook, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Nicholas C. Williams, Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP
Richard O'Doherty, McCarthy Tétrault LLP